~☆ Guidance☆~

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"Two steps to the left.." Amethyst said. She was guiding a masked person. Steven. "There's a chair right behind you, sit down" Y/N instructed "Aaand... ok!" She said excitedly. Steven took of the blindfold

"Ta-da!" Amethyst and Y/N said in unison

"Fish stew, Pizza! What a nice surprise!" Steven said happily as he smiled sweetly. "That's not the surprise" Amethyst said rather disappointedly "Notice anything different?" Amethyst asked."Bixbite? I-Is she working here?" Steven asked as he turned to Y/N. "Yeah! And she's crushing it" Y/N told him.

"Bixbite is an expert at slicing and dicing so now she can put her skills to use in the pizza shop." Amethyst explained as Bixbite cut many vegetables and a fish to then have them land on a pizza. She was then passed another one.

She then cut the pepperoni pizza into perfect triangles.

"That's awesome" Steven chuckled as Bixbite walked towards them with pizza in hand "Mmm" he admired the perfect slices "Look at that za, brah" (my dudes I honestly have no idea whatsoever of what she says so. Oh well) Amethyst said as she shifted her finger into a ruler "Each slice exactly the same length" she said as she measured.

"45 degrees!" She then shifted her finger into a protractor

She shifted her finger back to normal and picked up a slice and lifted it over her head, forcing herself to look up at it "Wow.. Pure perfection.." she said genuinely "I am so proud! I almost feel bad eating it" Y/N complimented the gem and Amethyst nodded. Amethyst then violently shoved the slice of pizza into her mouth as Bixbite walked off.

"I didn't know Bixbite wanted a career in the culinary arts" Steven said like a smart boi "Yeah, we talked a lot about her interest and experience then I spoke to Kofi and set her up here!" Amethyst explained as Y/N refused to use a chair and sat on the table "This was your idea?" Steven asked and then grabbed a slice. Of the pizza of course not Y/—

"Yeah, and she's just the beginning. Me and Y/N, well.. mostly me, though Y/N helped with the talking. wanted to do something big for the school so We've been pairing gems up with human jobs: the results have been amazing! I call it; The Gem Human Excellence Mentorship." Amethyst said properly as Y/N grabbed a slice of pizza herself "Or GHEM" Amethyst finished "Oh! I get it! Like Gem" Y/N's soft and calming voice filled Steven's head "No its: 'Ga-hem' there's an H" Amethyst said.

Suddenly a Ruby in a suit busted the door open "All clear, My Mayor" she'd say as a another one mirroring the outfit walked in and confirmed the same: "All clear" she said, Nanefua then walked into the shop.

"You've got Rubies in your program too?" Steven asked "Yeah! And these two are Nanefua's new bodyguards" Y/N told him. One of the Rubies firmly pushed Nanefua's seat into the table as the other stood on the table and looked out with her binoculars "How many other gems are working in Beach City?" Steven asked "Glad you asked" Amethyst responded.

Funland, the world of laughs. Where Children would throw rings onto Blue lace Agate's horns. Biggs Jasper would play around with the ferris wheel. Crazy lace would hand out balloons. Steven questioned all of this "The Quartzes have taken over funland!!" Y/N exclaimed "Yeah girl, Mr. Smiley's been understaff for so long I figured he could use a whole army of help" Amethyst told her as they walked past Mr. Smiley who spoke to Zebra Jasper and Cherry Quartz who spoke to some children near a roller coaster "Army?" Steven asked worriedly as he squeezed Y/N's hand. He'd do that any time he was worried or nervous.

"Oh! Check it out! Nephrite is doing some sky writing!" Amethyst said as she pointed at a plane, presumably controlled by Nephrite, she drew what was apparently a drawing of Steven "With all her experience flying drop ships, she's better in the air than Andy!" Amethyst chuckled as Nephrite extended her line a bit as she was finishing Steven's chin "Mm.. guess she's a perfectionist" Y/N said as she looked at many other failed attempts at drawing Steven "Ummm.. Amethyst isn't this all a little.. on the nose?" In that moment Y/N stopped Steven and booped his nose "Boop!" She said as she performed the action, Steven smiled and blushed "Oh! Oh look! Snowflake Obsidian and Little Larimar found some ice related jobs on the boardwalk" Amethyst ignored Steven's statement, Snowflake Obsidian formed an ice tower and Little Larimar began to shape something with her claws. The Rubys and The Mayor enjoyed the little particles of ice falling over them, Ruby stuck her tongue out as the Other Ruby looked at it curiously. Little Larimar shaped it into snow-cone and gave it to the Mayor "Mm.. I don't know about this" Steven said worriedly as Y/N walked over to the stand and requested a snow-cone as well "About what?" Amethyst asked as she turned to him "Ice gems doing Ice stuff, Pilot gems doing Pilot stuff, Guard gems doing Guard stuff? Isn't that exactly what they we're doing on Homeworld?" Steven asked as Y/N was gifted her snow-cone "Uhuh, no" Amethyst said annoyedly "It's just like we used to do on Homeworld!" One of the Ruby said as they walked behind Amethyst, The Rubies high-fived "Thanks Amethyst!" The other said as She pointed at her "These are the jobs they wanted!" Amethyst protested "Well, sure they THINK they wanna do this stuff bu— HEY!! YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT!!!" Steven yelled at Y/N as she licked her snow-cone, Y/N looked at the snow-cone and then at him. Steven meant said Snow-cone "Why?" Y/N asked nonchalantly.

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