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Third Person Omniscient.🌧🌱🌧

Fixing the Van was going absolutely Spectacular!
That's sarcasm.

Steven decided he no longer wished to see the struggle between Bismuth and his father so headed back inside.

"How could this happen? You crashed the van with your girlfriend and Greg inside?" Pearl paced around the room.

"You know how fragile he is!"
"And you can thank your lucky star she isn't hurt, Mr. L/N'd have your skull crushed in milliseconds!"

"Better yet, thank you whole universe." Garnet bettered the statement.
"Sure did.." Steven muttered under his breath.

"These pink outbursts of your's are getting out of hand!" Pearl determined.
"IT'S NOT AN OUTBURST!" Steven yelled as his size plumped up for a second once again and as you know, the pink gleam.

"Sure sounds like one.." Pride rolled in on his rollerskates from the door.
"Pride this is really not the time." Y/N appeared from the upper floor.

"See this is exactly what I'm talking about!" Pearl gestured to him.

"What's happening to you?" Pearl asked as Pride rolled over to Steven and sat down by him.

"Nothing, it's nothing!" Steven stood from his seat on the couch. Y/N was about to walk down the stairs but stopped, knowing exactly where he was going.

"S-Steven! Where are you going?" Pearl asked sassily.

"We're not through-- AAH!"
A neon pink wall patterned by hexagons stood in the Gem's way, the pattern reminding Pride of Honeycombs. But not as sweet..

Pearl puffed and commanded the wall be dropped, when he did he headed toward the staircase.

"I just need.. some space, okay?.." he explained wearily.
"I'll be in my room.."

He opened his eyes to look up at the look on his girlfriend's face. She bounced a brow at him her lips pressed together in a small frown.

"Not so fast my dude!" Amethyst dragged him back into the conversation.
"You gotta tell them your problemos." Pride sat up and rolled around the home.

"It looks like Steven is trying to avoid a serious discussion about this altogether." Garnet balanced her visor.

I'M NOT!!"
He yelled, knees slamming to the floor.

The windows and the froggy mug cracked at the impact.

"Steven! You have got calm down and talk to us." Garnet advised humourlessly, this isn't some game.

"Hey. Look at me." Y/N ordered as she shook his shoulders.

The straining Steven looked up at her and in a swift movement he picked her up and threw her over his shoulders.

"LET ME THE HELL GO, RIGHT NOW STEVEN UNIVERSE!!!!" Hm.. Y/N didn't seem particularly pleased with this, not at all. Yet he didn't reply in any form to her screams and continued what he was doing.

"Uhh.. what is going on..?" Pride watched the manoeuvre, in fact everyone watched this completely uncertain of his actions.

He opened the door with one hand, ignoring the pounding fists on his back and walked out to the stairs.

He walked all the way down the bottom stairs and placed her at on the last step.

"Steven! What the hell!?!" She pushed him off, making him almost fall onto the stairs.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 (OFFICIALLY DISCONTINUED. SORRY.)Where stories live. Discover now