~ ☆Prickly Pair ☆~

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To clarify confusions that will come later in the chapter:
You all might notice that in the episode; Steven first presents to the gems a Bluebell that he named 'Connie'. The fans have discovered that bluebells mean everlasting LOVE. You and I both know that writing that in a STEVEN UNIVERSE X READER.. yeah, no. So I'll be changing it to iris, Iris meaning cherished friendship. And promise in loving relationships which I think I can bend into Connie shipping Steven and Y/N?? I pretty much showed how she supported them at the end of my first bok so yeah! Sorry for the long paragraph and I hope you enjoy this chapter... it cuts deep..


"Steven!~ Special delivery!~" Pearl chimed while she and the rest of the main 3 walked up the stairs to the crystal dome.

"We've got your dirt dude!" Amethyst informed as she handed him one of the 2 bags she had. "Thanks guys, come on in" Steven invited as he walked in "Wow.." The Gems looked in from the door in awe.

"How much magic spit did it take to grow all these plants?" Amethyst questioned as Garnet and Pearl settled down what they had brought. Steven chuckled "I grew these the old fashioned way" he explained "So this is what you've been doing since you left little Homeschool." Garnet realized "Yeah, working at the school was great but.. I don't know If it's my calling." Steven shrugged "Besides, watching the Offcolors graduate was so bittersweet..." Steven rubbed his arm

"Well I think this is a wonderful way a to get in some much needed 'You time'" Pearl point!

"Really? I mean sure I grew all these to try to find myself but sometimes," "I thought it was a little place to Honor your mother in law" Garnet interrupted

"I was thinking about that earlier.. we talk about her sometimes and we have the picture in the living room but.. We honor mom for the good things she did.. So why not her.." Steven asked.

"She'd be proud if she we're here. But then she'd slowly make the garden her's.." Garnet smiled "Well.. other than that.. I'm hardly lonely.." Steven shrugged.

"This little smarty is named Connie." He said as he kneeled down and looked at a small purple and white Iris

"This Onion's name is ...Onion" Steven said jokingly as he looked at the small plant.

"And these perennials always come back! That ones Sadie and the rest are her band" Steven explained "Daisy Clover and the shrub-pects" He smiled.

"I named this one Lars!" He gestured to a pink flower. "Your stuck in the ground aren't you?" He babied the plant "Not gonna zip right in the space and leave everyone behind isn't that right?" He teased as the Crystal Gems looked at him worriedly.

"Uh.. Steven.." Amethyst then ate a chunk of dirt.

"This may not be the healthiest approach to a new hobby." Garnet warned "I'm just, having a little fun that's all!" He clarified "But seriously, everything's going great! Oh I forgot to show you these three!" He then brought them a a rose gold tray.

"I know some of her mistakes brought me a little misery but at the end of the day she's still my mother.. and I love her.." Steven smiled warmly "So the Rose.. is.. Rose of course!" He pointed at a pink Rose "The hibiscus is Pink" he referenced the one in the same pot, they we're in the same pot for uh.. reasons. A small flower was also beginning to grow from in between them "And the Jasmine is Marie!" He concluded with the pot next to Rose and Pink. Pearl smiled warmly as Amethyst giggled.

"Weeell.." Pearl hesitated "In that case.. We'll leave you to it.." Pearl then walked away slowly "Have fun with your plants dude!" Amethyst followed behind and so did Garnet.

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