~ ☆Little Graduation ☆~

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Sadie singing.
*unhealthy sobbing*


Steven inserted a VHS tape into it's designated place in the car's radio mechanics. He then took a quick turn on the mountains corner, energetic music does that. "Teens by day! Hey!" He sang along "We're alright! Teens by day! But every night we're: Sadie Killer and the Suspects!" He continued "Woahoho! Sadie Killer and Suspects! Sadie Killer and the Suspects!" The music continued as Steven arrived at Lar's pastry shop.

Steven entered "Hey! Blue Lace!" He greeted the gem. Blue Lace then smacked the pastry roller on to the dough, Steven coughed as some of the powder from the dough flew in the air, No mercy Blue Lace.. No mercy.

"Hey Lars" Steven coughed "Hey Steven! Here to pick up the cake?" Lars asked "Yeah but, I also wanna see how your doing." Steven somewhat asked, the door then chimed and Steven directed his attention to that.

Sadie.. she was wearing some black leggings with a white shirt: In general it looked like she was just finishing up working out.

"Hey Steven! Hi Lars!" Sadie greeted as she walked in to the shop. "Sadie! Oh my gosh!" Steven seemed overly excited "I can't remember the last time we we're all together in a pastry establishment!" Steven realized happily

"Hey Sadie I've got your moon cakes" Lars then grabbed a white box with lavender stripes and a teal moon on the side and handed it to Sadie "Thanks!" Sadie gladly accepted the box.

"Sure. So.. how's stuff going with Shep?" Lars asked "Huh? Shep?" Steven however did not recall the name "Great.. Their so cool.." Sadie replied with a soft blush "I can't believe we've been dating for almost 2 months now!" Sadie noted "Everything just feels so.. easy.." Sadie softly added "That's.. awesome.. say hi to them for me.." Lars requested... he seemed.. sad? "Will do!" Sadie replied.

"S-So, Uh.. Steven.. We haven't seen each other in a while so I figured i'd ask, And Y/N? Where's your little friend been? Don't tell me she moved!" Sadie nervously asked "Oh yeah! I haven't seen her since you drove down a while ago.." Lars replied "You two are still friends right?" Lars insisted on knowing what of Y/N.

The words 'friends' and 'friend' echoed through Steven's head.
He hadn't told them about him and Y/N's elevated relationship!

"O-Oh.. U-Umm.." He stammered as he rubbed the back of his neck "W-We're more than f-friends now.." he whispered extra silently "What?" Sadie asked, Steven breathed in.

"W-We started dating a while back.." he blushed.

Lars and Sadie mirrored the shocked expression as Steven blushed with a warm smile

"Wow.. Oh my gosh.." Sadie was relatively speechless "Wow Steven, didn't think ya had it in ya.. Congrats!" Lars pat his back "Geez your red as Mars!" Lars laughed at him "A-Am I?" He asked with a small chuckle "I'm proud of you, good luck with her. Maybe we can have a double date sometime.." Sadie shrugged.
"Yeah.." Oh Steven..
"We'll, see you guys later!" Sadie waved as she walked towards the door
"Oh and Steven!" A thought popped into her head as she grabbed the door knob
"Y-Yeah?" He asked as his cheery cheeks began to fade back to normal color

"I hear platinum is durable on wedding rings.."
Sadie teased with a smirk. She then left.

Leaving a Lars who would most likely laugh out of existence and a tensed up Steven who's cheery red blush returned. Steven shook his head

"Aside from teasing me, WHAT WAS THAT AND WHO IS SHEP!?!" Steven nearly stood up on the counter

"Shep is Sadie's new partner." Lars cleared in a casual tone "They met while she was on tour with the suspects.. it's cool." Lars explained to the confused boy "Is it?" Steven bewilderedly asked him "Yes it is." Lars strictly decided.

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