~☆Mr. Universe☆~

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☾Kerry Moonbeam☾
☾⭐️Kerry and Greg⭐️☾

Second Person POV.

Thin lines of chocolate syrup squirted onto three balls of vanilla ice cream, in the background Japanese voices screamed about someone named 'Serena Tsukino'.

A puff of whipped cream was added to the sweet treat along with a not angry slice of pie.

"Here you go Schtu-ball." Greg picked up the bright teal bowl and walked over to his son. "Dinner's served Cherub." You told your boyfriend.

"Ice cream á la pie!" Greg titled the treat in which Steven chuckled as he took the plate in his hands.

"Thanks dad."

"Y/N want some ice cream too? Or you two gonna share" Greg turned to you. Cuddled up to Steven with your head leaning onto his shoulder and your legs over his lap.

"No thanks Mr. U. I'll just take that right here, thank you~" You grabbed the spoon from the bowl and took a spoonful of the ice cream into your mouth.

Greg chuckled at your address to him.
"You can just call me Greg Y'know?" He told you as he sat down by Steven. "I know.. But I feel respectful calling you Mr. U." You confessed confidently as Steven took the phone from your hands and put it over your legs.

"Fine by me, so Steven ya feeling any better? Looks like the swelling and the glowing have gone down"

Steven scooped up a spoon of the ice cream and stared at it.

"You know that pie won't eat itself" Greg told him.

"S-Sorry I'm just thinking about stuff.." Steven explained as you paused the Anime and placed the phone over the coffee table.

"What kinda stuff?" You asked, lowering your leg from his lap as your head still rested on his shoulder, beginning to trace circles over his lap; lighting the fire of tingly goosebumps from underneath his jeans.

"I spent so long trying to figure out whether or not I was mom.. now that I actually know I'm me i-it's like I have no idea who that is.." he sighed.

"Just wish I knew what to do with myself.." Steven finished sombrely as you pat his lap softly.

"Well I can relate to that!"
Greg suddenly beamed

"Really?" You perked up in surprise, directing the spoon with ice cream to your mouth instead of Steven's, he grimaced at you playfully as you let him take back the empty spoon with a giggle.

"When I was your age I didn't know who I was or what I wanted to do." Greg shrugged as the teens watched interestedly.

"You didn't always wanna be a rockstar?" Steven pointed at your attire. A black 'Mr. Universe' off-the-shoulder sweater as it was tucked into your high waist jeans.

"No way! I didn't get my hands on good music until your dad the almighty Mr. L/N was jammin' to The Beatles and for some reason Marilyn Monroe in his Mom's minivan when we were you guy's age." [Q- whats's ur last name for the story? I wanna know how that sounds 😂)

"Marilyn Monroe? She was a singer too?" Steven tilted his head.

"And wait a second, my dad? Big photographer, who.. barely smiles?" You snorted.

"Y/N. your dad and his sister used to be.. 'Delilah's punk kids', everyone knew they were crazy riots!" Greg stated nostalgically.

"He might be snapping pictures and wearing fancy suits now but back then he was the 15 year old who stayed out til 9 in the night, sitting on top of restaurants fixing electric guitars for extra cash."

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