✦Inside jokes and Dreams✦

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Sorry if the glimmery sounds in the background of the OST bother you, you guys can suggest things other OSTS btw!

⭐️Y/N's POV⭐️


Steven trailed off with a sharp inhale. The gem in question carefully brought her gaze down to him and a bit of pain showed in her face, like Steven would be the last person she'd wish to see when regenerated. Or maybe was it because I was here? She never really did seem to like me...

"Are you okay?" The words just flowed out of my mouth, even so it took me a moment to process what I'd said.

"W-Well I am now! I was sure if a-anyone would find me after that tumble into the river!"

And poof!
Cherry Quartz's mood flipped over to cheerful and happy in seconds.

Even if I found it incredibly odd, I guess she just wanted to ease the questionable mood.

"You tumbled into the river?" Steven caught her attention once more, she tensed at his tone. He seemed to find her dilemma humorous yet at the same time he stared at her in disbelief.

"Yeah, I was taking a walk through the forest and —as you can see— Rocks are pretty slippery around here. And well, I slipped and fell." Cherry Quartz shrugged her shoulders heavily.

"Ah, understandable." Steven relaxed his shoulders and gives her the fakest, weakest smile I've ever seen, So much so I can barely even begin to believe she fell for it.

Wow, I'm rude.

"So you think you can make it back to Homeschool all on your own or..." Steven stopped himself, glancing over to me out of the corner of his eyes for a moment before smirking.

"My help?"

I scoffed at him in response, turning his smirk into a grin. "I.. Well I-I can make it back on my own, but am I missing something here?" Cherry questioned as she bat her eyes between us, looking to focus on one of us's faces but... she couldn't?

Are we really that intimidating...?

The answer is no.
We are not intimidating.

"I-it's an inside joke."

"What's an inside joke?"

"You could ask Amethyst."

"Oh.. right, I should be on my way, Huh?" Cherry softly chuckled as she gazed over to her left, direction of Little Homeworld. "Yeah, it's getting a bit late, we should head home too." Steven clasped his hand to mine, lacing our fingers together.

"I guess we'll see you around, Cherry." I smiled faintly at the tall, anxious gem.

"S-Sure will!" She laughed once more, but this laugh was different somehow... It didn't feel forced like her other chuckles and chortles, no, this one was genuine. Not to us, but rather to herself. Like a memory she'd been reminded of apparently just by the phrase 'Sure will'

Like she was laughing at, well...

An inside joke.

But with who?

But after her short wave, the Quartz was off toward Little Homeworld.


It was colder than before now, dusk was creeping over the horizon and the sun was soon to be gone. That weird warmth, the apricity that was soon to be gone.

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