~☆Growing Pains☆~

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F/N= Father's name
꧁Growing Pains꧂

A pink sleeve shifted the gears.

Longest bridge in Bark-tham and the Mail Truck was at bay with the Blue Car.

The Dog-mobile bolted behind it, hopeful to achieve it's task. "I know you're gonna chase the mail truck Dogcopter." Drew began as the canine's eyes switched between the vehicles.

"But the Mailtruck is a decoy!" Drew warned fiercely.

"Good boys chase the Blue Car." Advised he.

"Be a good boy Dogcopter."
Dogcopter's eyes squinted at his target utterly.

Dogcopter pranced off the car's roof into flight and edged near the Blue Car.

Still in flight: a pair of wacky and stretchy arms, alike Spinel's even including the gloves, extended out of his back and he busted open the roof with a fist.

He drew out two items;
A small box and a ticking bomb.

"Nice work DC, now get the bomb off the bridge! We're almost out of time!" Drew frantically ordered.

In an abrupt second— the ticking bomb dreaded of time and hit 0 with a loud beeping.

Dogcopter levitated over the bridge and threw the bomb off. In spite of his effort to save himself, the bomb exploded in thin air, causing Dogcopter to fly back and hit the rigid road in a theatric way.

The unknown little box thudded before the unconscious animal as his propeller snapped shut and closed.

"Dogcopter! NO!" Drew hopped out of the big Dog-mobile and galloped toward his friend.

"Dogcopter.. I-I can't loose you.." Drew grumbled, the sunset shining onto his drooling face.

Dogcopter's tail suddenly began to wag rapidly as he sat up and his robotic arms picked up the box.

The box opened, making Drew's face glow a soft gold.
"Is this..." Drew licked his lips.

"What I think it is?"

Cutest ring of all time; it was a plain gold ring with a small bone attached to the top.

"Dogcopter 6, Til Death do we bark. I know pronounce you.. Man and Woof"

The narrator stated to the viewers, voice full of expense and mystery.

The screen zoomed out and we got the hint things weren't going good for Steven after you snapped at the popping question he'd asked you.

"Everyone's getting married but me." Steven bitterly noted as he squinted at the TV.

As karma for being so unnecessarily grumpy; Gravity decided they wanted to eat the rest of his cereal and made him drop it.

Suitable punishment, I believe.

Steven stared at it emotionlessly and also let the remote fall from grace.

"Ugh!" He returned to letting pink gleams emission and fell back to his bed. "I feel like poop." He decided a relatable state of mind.

"Wish the gems weren't doing a field trip this week. Wonder if they have any reception?" He got hold of his phone, conveniently placed by his head, and called one of the gems to see if fruition would go through this.


"Guess not.." he grumbled. He scrolled through his contacts and saw your pretty face appear.

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