Hey! Q/A!

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Hello my dears!
Before I announce I'd just like to say Mr. universe will surely be coming out around tomorrow so get ready!
Onto my announcement,
As the title states I'm making a Q/A. No reason just want to see if you have any questions :)

Comment and I'll answer this same chapter!
That all folks!

✍︎︎☕︎︎ Answers:

1. answer for Lilpotato09 ♧︎
Hmmm.. For Steven Universe normally then the episodes where they build the drill and when they finally mute the cluster, but in all honesty: episodes having to do when the barn still stood are my favourites! Just seems so wholesome and warm. I'd play baseball with the Rubies lol.

As for SU:F then Mr. universe. It seems so interesting to me, just seeing how beautiful Delmarva is, Greg's family home.

2. Answer for @I_Yearn_For_Death
Ahh.. Homeworld Bound..
I personally find the episode terrifying, Yet I love every second of it. Well when Spinel controlled White I was just as disturbed as Steven and the blow that there was actually nothing wrong with White in the intro bummed me, or is there? I can rant for hours!

But to conclude the episode was very fun and I'll have so much fun writing it! Especially since I have additional plans..

3. Answer for hippidyBop
Yes, thank you for asking. Thankfully no big threats of the Coronavirus have affected us, chilling in quarantine. Stay safe people wasH YOUR HAND-

4. Answer for loona12343
Rose Quartz and Pink. I lob those 2.
I also find Sapphire very adorable.
But as gems like, real life, Then definitely Jasper.

5. Answer for Rebbekxh
As for more books after this, The prequel who is on pause until SU:F ends will be developed. After that I will probably make more SU books, I'd be interested in making something like that | (• ◡•)|

6. Answer for @echoemo
Ah yes! I adore musicals!
The first one was Hamilton!
The theres Be more chill, Mean Girls, Beetlejuice, In the Heights..
I'm currently on my way to find Heathers and Dear Evan Hansen in YouTube to watch!

7.Answer for Badbunny69420
I will take this into thought | (• ◡•)|

8. Answer for Tarchange
They are, Steven's mental health is worsening things will be certainly stormy (⃠p⃠u⃠n⃠)⃠

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