✦Letters at the lighthouse✦

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🎀Y/N's POV🎀

And the next thing I knew my heart dropped.
From my chest, to roll down the floor and down all the steps of the lighthouse

As much as that didn't really happen, it sure felt like it.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm..." that was all I was able to muster up as a reaction.

And after a few moments of contemplation...

"Oh well. Guess we'll get you a dog collar that says 'Property of Y/N M/N L/N'" I shrugged lightly before turning away and marching the rest of the way up the staircase.

I know, I know
You -probably also Steven-

Must be wondering:
'What the fuck?! How can you act so chill when some chick has a crush on your boyfriend?!'

Well.. As flabbergasted as I want to be, I paused and analysed this time.

I have a history for being overly-dramatic.

Connie is my friend now, and a couple of years ago we didn't really seem much of friends.

As long as she kept her hands to herself no one will be decapitated!

"So you just gonna... Walk away? And forget the fact my best friend still has a crush on me, and find out whatever spooky light's coming from the top of this lighthouse?" I heard him disprove as his footsteps raced up the stairs, becoming closer and closer.

"Well, is there something else I need to know?" I froze in place, whipping my head around to meet him. "Uhh.. You need to talk to her." He simply stated, avoiding eye contact though.

"Well she promised she would call, or text you about.. it."

"Hm, well now I'm concerned." I folded my arms over my chest and continued the path up, light from above started becoming apparent on the steps so that was a sign we were almost near the top.

"You shouldn't be, it's trivial little thing. Really this time." Steven objected as he smoothed his palms over xmy shoulders, relaxing them. Funny how I hadn't noticed they were so tense in the first place..

"Well I can give you a mild promise no one will be killed, but I cannot promise you I won't reign harm. I'll be subtle though, maybe, Er- t-think before I act." I smiled light heartedly before grabbing his hand and tugging him up to come up with me to the ending of the winding staircase.

As we peeked through from the doorway a couple of object came into view; a messy bouquet of dried flowers, a Diamond communicator and the nearest thing to us..

A very old letter in parchment paper, I couldn't read it though. For the fact that I wasn't as close, and that it was in a very messy cursive. As in the person who wrote it was in a hasty hurry to finish it.

The air was perfumed with an elegant scent, one I ... knew...? Recognised ...? Who could the perfume belonged to? I didn't know. It was at the tip of my tongue but I just couldn't force it out of me


"Where is this whore?!" The painfully familiar pink gem roared with complaints as her elegant, long form practically danced into view.

"RUBY! What did you say this piece of rubbish did again?!" Sand whipped her fluffy head around back to 'Ruby' while rubbing her temples with her forefingers and middle fingers.

"It provides light for sailors. So they can find their way back home when their lost, Sandy." A Ruby stated innocently as she met with the tall Pearl before her, Sand only groaned. The gem she had was centred on her stomach, and I could swear I heard Steven lightly gasp.

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