~☆ Volleyball and Sand ✦-

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"So how would you like your magical spit administered today?" Hot Doctor Steven is in the house, equipped with head mirror thing, rubber gloves and Medical coat "Ah geez.. the not kissing one?" Ruby asked, today the Mayor's Rubies had a little accident and Steven was there to doctor her "You got it!" Steven then licked his gloved hand and stuck it to the gem, Ruby's neck went back to normal "Man, what kind of enemies does the mayor have to keep you landing in my office?" Steven asked "That's classified information Nurse-Citizen-Universe" Ruby said as she gave him the hand "Ok well then try not to classify to hard out there" Steven told her as she jumped out of her seat "Oh! Don't forget your lollipop" Steven told her as he handed her the red lolli "Yeah!" The Rubies then walked away giggling. Steven wrote down something on a clipboard "Next patient please" he chimed, he then heard something crash "Uh... Volleyball must've gotten really wild huh?" Sure did boy, The Quartzes sure looked nice today. Can you smell the sarcasm?.

"Come again, just like not too soon.." Steven waved as the healed Quartzes then walked down the stairs "Oh why hello there patient!" Steven greeted a familiar little Y/N "Why hello there Doctor.. I might not be full a gem but I'm afraid I have injured myself.." Y/N said as she walked towards him "Where?" Steven asked as he smirked, Y/N tapped her lips in response. Steven's smirk grew wider and turned into a goofy grin, he grabbed her by the hips and kissed her "Umm... Excuse me?" Pink Pearl asked as she watched Steven kiss Y/N "Mm? U-UH H-H-HI!!" Steven stammered loudly as he pulled back red-faced, his shoulders tensed up in embarrassment as he could feel his heart banging against his chest. Pink Pearl looked to the side nervously and then back at him. After wearing his jacket for so long everyday, Steven finally felt hot wearing it. Caught.

Steven cleared his throat "Good afternoon" he said as he fixed his coat "I heard you might be able to help us.. with our little cracks" Pink Pearl said shyly "Us?" Steven asked as Y/N looked back at Pink Pearl "Your friend.. uh.. Garnet was it? She freed another little piece of Condé's history" Pink Pearl stepped aside.. Steven's breath hitched "Oh.." Y/N hissed as she looked at what Pink Pearl revealed.

A Pearl just like any other.
Perfect.. Her color palette almost matching her Diamonds.. Her fluffy Pink hair was rolled into a little bun at the right side of her head.. her light peach gem perfectly placed upon her navel.. and..

she had a big ass crack almost infecting her whole body.(lmao😂)

"Is this..?" The Pearl asked Pink Pearl "Yes, your Diamond!" Pink Pearl smiled "News has been spread, Condé took the same route as Pink.." Pink Pearl smiled "Hi." Y/N said, Condé Pearl hid behind Pink Pearl "Hmm..". "Well you guys came to the right place.." Steven said as they walked back into the kitchen— sorry, Office "I'll have you both fixed up in a jiffy!" Steven said as Y/N searched for medical equipment to fit the aesthetic "Uhh.." Pink Pearl watched as he licked his hand "Are you going to..?" Condé Pearl asked "Oh sorry.. it's never not gross when I do this.." Steven apologized. He pressed his hand against Pink Pearls gem.. "Did it work?" Pink Pearl asked, her eye still remained damaged.. Steven looked at Y/N, they mirrored a confused look "Umm.. let me try you then" Steven said he licked his hand, he reached out to touch Condé Pearls gem but was electrocuted "Ah!" He screamed as he pulled his hand to his chest "What the heck?" Y/N asked as Condé Pearl jolted back in shock, not by the electricity though but— you know what I mean! "I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to.." Condé Pearl stopped talking and put her hand against her chin.. she hissed in pain and then let her hand fall down.. "Woah!" Y/N gasped. A flower had bloomed from the crack in her chin (lmao I reference the hanahaki disease so much in this book I worry if it might become annoying) "Pearl..." Pink Pearl said as she stared at Condé Pearl "Hmm.." Condé Pearl turned to her "Who did this?" She asked. Condé Pearl asked "White." She decided. "I can't believe LED Light did this to you both!" Y/N said disappointedly "You nicknamed her 'LED Light'?" Steven asked "Isn't she one?" Y/N asked "Well Anyways.. what If we tried applying it... directly to the injury?" Steven asked Y/N, Y/N shrugged. He licked his hand and pushed against Pink Pearls eye. But hesitated for Condé P "I don't think you should try to heal me.. after what happened.." Condé Pearl started "No, no, no.. We'll find a way.. just sit tight" Steven told her "Hmmm.. Is it me?" He asked and then ran towards a plant on the coffee table, he plucked of one of the leaves and then licked his finger and tapped the stem, a hand full of flowers grew back "It's super not me.." Steven then walked back to the table and sat down to think "What if.. Y/N.. you try" Steven told her. Y/N smiled and cleared her throat "Condé was a healer, she grew the most beautiful flowers of all and healed all.." she said in her best Irish accent, referring to Blue Diamond. Y/N put her index and middle finger together and kissed them hesitated in front of Condé Pearl "Well.. we're related in a way.." Y/N told Condé P. She then pressed her fingers against Condé Pearl"s biggest injury.. The left part of her chin.. See, what happened to this Pearl is a bit confusing.. it seems that whatever happened struck her upward.. a lighting bold from the ground.. Condé Pearl glowed for a moment, nothing.. Another flower popped from out of the cracks "Hmm.. I'm sorry if it's a sore subject but, can you remember anything that happened while you were under White Diamond's control?" Steven asked Pink Pearl "Nope! 8,000 years just, Bloop! Gone" Pink Pearl shrugged at the sad topic. He turned to Condé Pearl "I don't remember what happened clearly but I'm getting too it.." Condé Pearl said sadly "So you two must no remember getting these cracks in the first place.. or maybe one knows?" Steven speculated "Oh! I got it!" Condé Pearl the giggled "this was a little peach Diamond named Condé. Just like that was all by a little Pink one, am I correct?" Condé Pearl pointed at herself and then at Pink Pearl, Pink Pearl nodded "My mom!?" Steven glowed Pink, completely "Ah!" He shook himself back to normal color "Sorry.." he said nervously "So wait.. Mom?.. wasn't mom like, A frikin' goddess of plants or whatever? No one ever told me she'd mess someone up like.." Y/N eyed Condé Pearl "Ohohoho! Is that what you all have been thinking about her? I'm afraid you've got it wrong in that way—" "Anyways, This isn't about me or Y/N so I know just the Pearl who can help us!" Steven said as he grabbed Y/N and ran out the door with the Pearls following behind.

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