✔︎ Jam buds wasn't meant to be platonic ,,Part 2 ✔︎

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All I was able to do was run from Steven.

It's funny, all this time I've been wishing to run into his arms, and what am I doing now? Running from him.

Where was I even going???

I don't know,,

Tears were pretty much unstoppable now.
Eyes burned.
Breathing was faster than a race car.

I was just one hot mess, scratch that, I'm not hot at all... Y/N sure is. Wow, I'm so immature, comparing myself to her.

Why can't I just get over myself! Their in a relationship, he loves her and she loves him. I should just accept that I'm the third wheel!

And it isn't really that bad being their third wheel. It's not like they're always kissing or hugging or shooting pickup lines at each other. It's almost like when they were normal friends.

When we we're normal friends.
Jam buds! Lunch:
Strawberry Jam
Biscuit and...

Who am I kidding? I was never there most of the time anyways... maybe they're just too busy...

They're not too busy.
I'm just not a priority...

I'm looking forward to college now... I'M busy
is that it?

Is that why I'm so jealous now?
No... maybe because he still gets and WANTS to spend more time with Y/N than me...
That he doesn't make time for me?


Yeah, it isn't his fault.. it's mine

For hesitating for so long.

Every chance, I had. All the time in this damn world and I just let it slip because of.. studies?!?

Jam buds, Sword-fighting and going on missions?? All nothing? Is it all worthless. Was it always worthless?

No, not worthless..
They meant something. We did use to be in love...

But... She came along and...
He loved every inch of her.

        They didn't mean harm, and that it's not Y/N's fault thats she's attractive and confident and that she owns a motorcycle and that she's so cool!

I wish I was Y/N..
And it kills me on the inside so bad on how one part of me wishes she'd stayed away to Charm City and the other almost cried too when she left!

I just need to... let go..

I wish I was Y/N.
And some wicked part of me wants her dead, almost.
Why would I want her dead?! At the start the ice was thick but after it melted.. She's one of the best friends I've ever had.. How can I hate her is she's been such an angel to me?

.. there's so much more out there.. for me..

But... I want what's chasing me, the thing that's calling my name and telling me to stop.

I want Steven.

But he's taken...

I was at the pier. The docks, where I used to study when I visited Beach City.. and where I used to take Steven.. where we'd read Unfamiliar Familiar.

Scanning over the entire place; I glanced to the longest deck and fumbled over to it. And if I didn't stop, well

I'd fall into the water.
And I was never the best swimmer...

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