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A/N: Title says Sunshine for those who can't read the font]

But all lost.

Can be found..


You will be found.

A light pink portal opened by sharp brink of the Temple's mountain.
Steven seemed to calm down when he paid view to this as everyone was at the edge of their seats for what it was.

Stepping out of the portal was Lion.

And... Lion alone..

Steven grumbled angrily as his face scrunched up into a grimace.
Garnet suddenly gasped softly and smiled widely.

"Let go of him.." She commanded as she pulled away from the hug.

"What? Why?" questioned Pearl as one of Blue Diamond's clouds appeared underneath her and caught her, Amethyst, Greg and Connie.

"Here comes the sun."
Garnet smiled tearfully as she stood by the Diamonds who'd also followed her order and detached of Steven.

A period of faint buzzes started to grow closer as Lion sat down.

With the Crystal Gems, Diamonds and Bismuth, Peridot and Lapis (or the three groups of Steven's moms), Greg and Connie away from him things seemed to prance back into violence as Steven allowed another furious roar out.

"Garnet, Are you sure we should-- "Trust me.. let it happen.." Garnet stoped Peridot's worry with her reassuring and calm voice, not to mention her future vision was securing her even more.

The bombinating noise, now louder than ever, died down as the motor shelved. The person was astride on the motorbike staring out to him through the tough black helmet. They then and obviously bestrode the motorbike and slipped off the helmet, putting the object aside..

The clouds above them who covered the sun and sky cleared away swiftly, catching the attention of Steven..

As introductory a ray exuded through the puffy dark clouds and shined on to the mountain.

A ray of Sunshine

This ray expanded.. and lit the whole land with it's rich and cherished light..

Worry he did no more..
For his ray of Sunshine had crossed the states for him and she was here right now.

Face tear-soaked and red as a cherry. Her eyes filled with sorrow and tenderness as her lips lay still. Hands clasped over her lap as her fingers gently rubbed against each other. And squeezing out of the stood up collar of her boyfriend's jacket was a umbel of tiny light coloured flowers.

Steven moaned softly before leaving his allies side and placing heavy steps on the surface of the earth to approach near the Temple.

Y/N on the other hand took a swift turn to the light house behind her.

By the time the weakened monster had arrived to the mountain the girl was waiting for him at the top of the Lighthouse. He groaned gently and quietly, only in this manner since he now had consciousness causing him to suspect it would bother her ears, the monster once more arranged his clawy hands to the surface of the mountain.

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