~☆I Am my monster☆~

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A/N: Start the music! Please! I think It really will fit in with the chapter, and show the originally creator some love!

Hope you... enjoy~


Earthquakes, they are all— even the small ones— truly terrifying.
It's either one big one, with little small ones afterward.
Or one small one, with bigger on the way.

You may fear tsunamis or cyclones but the biggest fear you should have is one of those.

Any time, any place, any kind of destruction.
I apologise for beginning with a sour note but why not a reminder of the chronicles of life? especially as today we start with an earthquake.

Spooked the seagulls and shook the water tower.
Shivered the Sailor and his DJ son.
Startled the mother.
Interrupted the recollection of the broken house.
And filled the eyes of the gem, human and his son with terror.

Did you really think after all this time we wouldn't have another Beast to beat?

And the fellow was as big as Diamond! From head to toe completely showered in a light pink. For a easier understanding and satisfying description of it for it's identity, the Beast also fancied some thorns at the sides of it's jaw right beside it's teeth, sides of it's head and trailing down it's long, long neck to it's back and arms. Pectorals were... noticeable... quite unsettling.. and it's face oddly seemed familiar. That's all that's ours be visible from over the mountain.

The Beast let out a herculean, thundering roar from the top of it's lungs
Well.. if had such.

This thunderstorm of a shriek was even heard at Little Homeworld, sprouting question in Lapis Lazuli as she stared out to the city from the central tower accompanied by to gems.

Of course Steven's second (out of 3) set of Moms™, Peridot Lapis and Bismuth, arrived to the house to check out what was the damage.

The house was thankfully in tact, no more repairs for Bismuth "Reinforcements are-- Huh??!" They gazed out the large window to see the Grand Beast stomping away from the house.

The trio opened the door to gaze upon all the Crystal Gems by the shore trying to communicate to the Beast. Pity, they were all microbes in the Beast's vision.

"Just calm down son! Take deep breathes! Deep! Breathes!" Greg's panicky voice advised.

Wait, hold on— Son??

"Yeah! Relax buddy!" Amethyst added fuel to the flames. And funny how I mention, if things got out of hand we could find ourselves in a sizzling situation as of that.

In reply to the reassuring advice, they received a giant paw to almost crush them.

The Beast turned fully and clamoured once more, now that we finally had a good view of it: In addition to the former description, The Beast had a tail whom also apparelled the thorns. Dark purple claws and... a strange tiny circle placed on it's navel.. Familiar much?

But as for expression, This Beast contradicted any cursed princes with their subjects turned to furniture or maleficent dragons wanting to try roasted prince. I mean in which, It didn't have such a nasty look. In fact, the poor murder machine appeared to be mystified and scared of what is truly going on.

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