-✦Now we're only falling apart✦-

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۞ A/N: tHiS cHapTer Was ssOoo hARd To wRite aHAUGhagh-
(Yes the title is a reference to Season 5 xD)
Don't start the moosic until I say so

🌷Third Person Omniscient🌷

It'd been a 6 weeks now,
The town who'd felt the most unsafe in months had simmered down their worries, reminding themselves it was, hilariously enough, the usual to have monsters around.

Little Homeschool's primary teachers, as in the main Crystal Gems, had spilt their hours to help their beloved Steven Universe.

Steven had reconnected with Y/N and that was going... indefinite.

Well.. midnight was an attentive hour to be active about. As in any conversations needed to be addressed. What did you think they did at that hour?

And in unfortunate addition: the golden eclipse, as eclipses do; even metaphorical ones, passed..
And things went wrong, twists and turns nobody expected. Especially Y/N..
But this doesn't mean this phenomenon couldn't return.

Everything is temporary.

So if it were to return, it would be as long as they surfaced the earth and well.. Homeworld occasionally, You know what I mean!

But today, Thursday midday, seemed to be dragging down dandy spirits drastically.
The two in the kitchen never heard anything so idiosyncratically sadistic, and yet it still made Amethyst sick to her stomach. Even more so since she distinctly had one when beside other gems.

And Peridot aside of her was even more bamboozled to witness all the yelling. It caused the, unknown to her, feeling of listening to parents fighting as a child.

"I promise I'm trying!!!"
Steven's stressed and slightly tired voice bustled down the staircase with Y/N following the same route. Seemed as if she'd set him on fire on the spot told by the Venus Flytraps tangled around her neck and snapping like snakes in his direction while she walked.

Not to mention the darkest look on her face and the emptiness in her eyes.

The young woman open the screen door and slammed it back into place when she exited. All that pain and fury inflicting onto the walls with the slam causing them to shake slightly.

Steven almost took off to chase down the storm he created but instead banged the side of his fist into the wall and screamed frustratedly. Makes two shakes the house and it's inhabitants experienced today.

Amethyst and Peridot meanwhile sat at the table with the drawings they were trying to make in peace. But only ended up listening with blank faces.

With no goal to eliminate all the awkwardness in the room Amethyst began to suck at her teeth, loudly; it being the only sound in the room in which Peridot watched silently.


"Ugh.. Get used to it." Amethyst sighed and folded her arms over the surface of the table, resting her forehead over this and leaving Peridot crazed.

"GET USED TO--......" Peridot stopped herself with the memory of Steven still being in the house and replaying the scene in a loud conversation with Amethyst would only stress him past his limits.

"'Get used to it'? You aren't telling me these fights are often... are you?" Peridot whispered.

"Need me to repeat it for you?" Amethyst questioned and lifted her heavy head up from her forearms. Heavy with thoughts.

"Do the others now about this?" Queried Peridot as Amethyst hoped off her seat and toward the refrigerator.

"Who doesn't?" Amethyst opened the fridge "Wouldn't Greg step in and... help? Y/N's dad said he's open even if he's states away" Peridot continued to question the stubby Gem.

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