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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
Steven's POV.☔️🌧~

Today sure was a rainy day.
A rainy day I sure didn't expect. I just wanted to take my girlfriend out on a date but no.

The weather says I can't.

So we we're trapped in her house for the rest of the day.
Not that I'm complaining.

"If we're gonna stay all snuggled up today I guess we should go get some hot beverages such as.. tea.. and or.. hot chocolate..?" I beseech implying we should go get some.

She smiled; heaven sighed out of admiration.

"Then c'mon, I'm sure I have some choco down there." She threw her legs over the bed and walked out of the room.

I quickly follow behind but my attention was caught. Causing me to stop in front of the object:

A picture of white sunhat poking out a field of sunflowers, only a bit of their H/C hair could be seen. It was a person. standing between the field. but too short to be distinguished from the flowers.

The picture was perfectly placed above of the grandfather clock. The second hand ticking loudly as if to announce every single second of our existence.

"Yo, Sunshine."
"Yeah?" She walked up the stairs toward me.

"Who's this?" I point at the person in the picture
"Oh! That's me when I was 6!" She accounted; nudging my shoulder, as if the answer was obvious.

But there are 2 types of cute and cannot be confused. Valid answer for my confusion as to the identity of the person.

I look back at the picture, the person in the picture was surely a child. Why didn't I see that earlier?

"Awwww— but the clock is intimidating.." I look back down at the clock "It's vintage. 1930's or something" she walks back down the stairs.

I glance up at the picture one more time before following her.

As I approached the kitchen I heard the TV turn on.
She placed the remote on the counter in front of her since she had turned it on from the kitchen. Opening a cupboard from above the sink:

"Could you get me a mug from that cupboard?" She asked, her attention still on the kettle she was filling with water as she pointed at a cupboard to her right.

"Of course," I walk over to the cupboard and open it, taking a medium sized peach mug and placing it on the counter.

I met with a small, purple stuffed elephant "What's this?" I laugh
"Oh? Yeah my lil' cousin left it as an 'early birthday gift' when they were over" she denoted

"I think it's cute" I examine the plush. Soft yet smooth texture, memory foam.

"Yeah, it was originally a set of three but she stole one from her sister. At least thats what her mom said" she grabbed the mug

"Hmm.. So when am I gonna meet the rest of your family?" I follow her

"Uhh.. probably on my birthday." She replies quickly

"Well Steven I guess today's gonna be a pretty rainy day, huh? Raining cats and dogs out there!"

A female voice suddenly boomed.

We both stop and share a look of shock and confusion. It was just me and her in the house? Who the heck could be talking to me?

She turns to the door;
But there was no one there.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 (OFFICIALLY DISCONTINUED. SORRY.)Where stories live. Discover now