-✦A Dream is a wish your heart makes✦-

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It is time for fluff. Everyone is sad so we need some TLC 😔😔
R.I.P Steven Universe, Jake and Finn will be glad to finally meet you 😭

Third Person Omniscient.

After the Crash.
It was Silence in his bedroom.

All one could hear were faint sniffles once in a moment from Steven's pillow, his head buried into it while he was completely covered by his blanket. Head to toe.

A hushed voice whispered.
And the bed bounced up a bit, for now only one was laying on it.

Soft thuds to the wooden floor as she minced away from him to the stairs.

"Amethyst of course!"
Faint. Barely heard, only barely.

"Well then what do we do for this?!"
After much of light chatter, their voices quietened and were only echoing noise from the lower level.

Another voice, Pearl, called.

"What happened in that car?"

Steven sat up from his tear-soaked pillow and gazed out to the porch.
Clouds had curtained the bright moon, the whole beach dark.

The night dark.
The only source of, vague but still visible, light was downstairs.

Steven sighed and looked down to his hands.
This vision was then blinded by tears he resisted to let flow.

He shut his eyes tight and did his utmost not to make sound from his mouth.
Bottling up all his cries in his chest, a stinging pain in his chest as his throat felt like exploding.

he noticed the lights from below had switched off.

Now all was darkness, he couldn't sense of any presence of kind.
He was left with darkness, and the darkness fulled with all his problems.

He could turn the honey light on. But he felt at peace in midnight.

Without notice from him, someone approached him. They stood at the side of his bed and sighed almost unnoticeably.

"Oh cherub.."
Y/N's knee sunk into the mattress as she pulled Steven's head aside and hugged him, his face buried in her chest. One arm at the back of her neck while his left crossed over her body to hold her hip.

To tenderly, lovingly pull someone closer.

With no care if she'd squish him or not, Steven let his body fall back onto the bed and his head fall back onto the pillow.

Vice versa huh, the teddybear squeezing and cuddling the girl.
Poor baby just wanted some TLC.

They just laid there for a solid.. silent.. 20 seconds, but it felt like an eternity for him.

He lifted his chin and rested it upon her sternum. Taking a whiff of her everlasting perfume.

He exhaled through his nostrils, making her hum joyously at the slight tickle this air produced. He smiled and kissed the upper part of her exposed sternum, his nose fitting perfectly between her collarbone.

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