✦Walking in a winter wonderland✦

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Lmao I'm sorry if you hear any other sounds in the music?????
Oop whatever, (Also i think it's a bit of filler(?) 👉👈 idk.)

Second Person POV

Just as the news had forecasted, snow was certainly flowing out from the sky today.

Not enough to bury anyone's legs three feet in the snow, but enough for any creeps to follow your and Steven's trail to the woods by the boot-prints left behind.

Speaking of, you two had decided to walk the way the woods on foot. No need of a pink lion, just some snuggly coats and mittens would do.

"Man, You know what I like about winter?"

Steven asked, sighing out purposely just to see his hot breath between the wintry air that reminded him of this morning events with your cigarette. "That we get to build snow men? Snow angels?" You guessed randomly.

"Yeah —But it's on of the best excuses to sleep-in all day!" The boy enthusiastically laughed as he sprinted off from your side and twirled around in the snow merrily.

"You know what I like about winter?" You shot him back the question.

"What?" Steven asked with a smirk.

"I get to wear warm clothing all day and it's a nice excuse for you to cuddle me all day. You living embodiment of a heater" You jogged over time him, he was spinning around pretty fast. And you were already expecting the curly haired goofball to fall.

"Mm, I would cuddle you all day no matter the season if it were my choice." Steven finally stopped in his tracks, obviously dizzy as he caught onto your shoulder to try and regain his balance.

"Mm, Y'know that reminds me of this one thing I used to do when I was at school where I wore a different sweater every day of the week." You changed the subject with a memory, and the dizzy half-gem beside you had seemingly gotten his balance back by now.

"Monday was the red fuzzy one, Tuesday was the green turtleneck, Wednesday was the grey fleece one, Thursday I wore the yellow coat and on Fridays I wore all of them at once. It was hard to walk and my Science teacher used to get really mad at me. But I did it anyways 'cause it's my me so I get to chose the amount of sweaters to wear."

You chuckled, a soft and angelic chuckle; at least to Steven. He found it so warm —and oddly enough: motherly— like the sweaters you spoke of.

"Ooh, why'd you stop then?" And thus Steven begins to spin around again, so much so you were considering taking him to the playground. He'd have tons of fun on the roundabout.

And when he decided to stop out of the wobbliness he didn't have your shoulder to lean.

Steven plummeted into the cold snow.

"I dunno, just did. Are you okay hun?" You bent down a bit to look at his handsome face. "Yep!" Steven spread his arms and legs out and began to make a snow angel laughing and chuckling the whole time like a little kid.

Meanwhile you just watched him, he was so silly. So cute. So dorky.
I guess he's just A-dork-able.

You only rolled your eyes and dug your hands into the snow and took hold of some: your end result being a roughly shaped ball. And you know what comes next. Yeah, it's all coming together now.

You placed the ball of snow back into the snowy surface of the earth and began to roll it across, the clump of snow becoming bigger with every roll.

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