-✦I'm worried✦-

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┌─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───┐
.Steven POV.

"You remind me of what they say about her;
But brittle.
She was willing to loose it all on the battlefield, I saw her plunge that- -"

That's all I could think of, Jasper's confusingly mysterious words about Y/N's mom. Going to see her wasn't the best of choices yesterday.

Maybe that's why I have an icepack over my forehead..

"What were you even doing with her?" Amethyst spoke, her voice full of apprehension but she was more confused about it.

"I... Don't.. know." I couldn't even tell if I was lying, everything just seems like a blur and Sunshine can't wipe it off the polaroid no matter how hard she tried. Woah sweet metaphore Steven.

"I needed some time to think and she... she confronted me" WRONG: Yesterday I stomped over there and yelled my guts out over that I needed to punch her in the face.

"What if you wrote down your thoughts? You can let your words release whatever your feeling.. the paper won't mind." Garnet suggested. Keen as always..

"You look like your waiting for your therapist to arrive." Pearl joked, Guess since I was laying down on the couch It seemed that way. But Pearl somehow sounded literal a bit.

"Huh? Therapist?" I laughed, but maybe I should take it in to thought?... nah that's stupid I don't need at therapist I'm perfectly fine.


"Holy macaroni! Y/N just sent me a pic of one bigass iced tea. Oh! and it's in a Starbucks cup!" Amethyst exclaimed. I took the icepack off my forehead and stood up to see what she meant, she was gazing intensely at her phone.

"That's crazy! how's she gonna drink it?" I giggle,
Perhaps it was just something that we all do but I looked above the picture, It was a short message, the ending of a anterior conversation of the two:

'I'm worried about him'

She was talking about me.
Ugh.. I've gotta keep everything under control or things are gonna go haywire.. And I don't need her to worry about me..

"I think I'm gonna head down to the Big Donut for a while" I decided. it was getting kinda nerve racking to be here in these conditions, especially after I peeked over a conversation heavens knows how long.

"What? No, don't head down we could have another injury here!" Amethyst flicked my forehead. "Oh har har.." I grabbed my phone and headed to the door.

"Imma skadoodle, see you guys later!" I twisted the handle.

"Out the door, dinosaur!" Amethyst giggled, Garnet waved as Pearl gave me a thumbs up from the warp pad: her back turned to me the entire time, guess she grew attached to her phone.


The Big Donut seemed empty, how bizarre.. I couldn't even see Mr. Dewey in there. It was 10, he's probably in the break-room.

But I saw a dark grey desk chair. Someone was obviously sitting in it since there was a Salmon hoodie popping out.

They must've gotten a new employee..

I opened the door to a groan.
I silently walked over to the counter.

"Umm.. hello?" I leaned on the counter. The person slowly twirled the chair around and it was..

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