✦Y/N Apreciation Day,, Part 1✦

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     Lmao I originally had another OST for this chapter, it was all nice and calming and it even had the waves, but there were like.. a bunch of cats meowing in the background and it just ruined the vibe jajwjwjjsjsjwjwjwj-

☀︎︎Second Person POV☀︎︎
1:04 PM

"Ta-da! What do you think?" You beamed, turning around from the large mirror in your bedroom and looking to Steven, who was thrown over the bed.

"I don't know how you did it." Steven sighed as he sat up from the bed, giving you a shrug of playful resignation. "Whaaat?~" You tilted your head and rested your hands over your hips.

"You've managed to look more beautiful than you did yesterday."

"Goofball!" You exclaimed, however blushing wasn't optional for you, by the looks of it. Steven only smirked.

"You do! Snow White is jealous, you're the fairest of them all~"

You only clapped your hands into your mouth and squealed, grasping the nearest object with one hand and chucking the nearest object at him, which was a hand fan. "Aw, you know you like the compliments." Steven caught the hand fan as it almost smacked him in the face. "Hardly." You rolled your eyes, smiling directly after but biting your lower lip in motive to stop your smiling.

"Mm, she lies to herself. You know you look beautiful."
"Dude! Come on! Look at me!"

You argued, pointing to your outfit. You were only wearing some high-waisted light pink jeans, a white shirt and some white flats to match your shirt. You also sported a long, lilac coat, which was what Steven loved the most about your outfit.

"I'm practically dressed like you! Jeans, shirt and a jacket."
"But it doesn't matter! You look amazing,"

"Why are you like this?!" You complained through helpless, happy giggles. Hands now covering your entire face. But the laughter was also a bit out of a false stress by his cheesy compliments. Absurd times call for absurd amounts of love.

"Because your beauty is blinding me, Sunshine~~" He coyly flirted, propping up his palm in his cheek while eyeing you up and down.

You only gasped deeply at this and lowered your hands from your face. "That was pretty good actually" you soberly told him.

"They don't call it Universe Charm for nothin'." Steven snickered before smoothly slipping out of the bed and heading toward you and your red face. "The Universe Charm is very effective." You rolled your eyes before yanking his collar and pulling him into a kiss. A quick smooch though, you pulled away in a matter of seconds. Steven only whined disappointedly.

"Your such an idiot." You smirked widely before escaping down the stairway.

"But I'm your idiot.." Steven snickered to himself on before grabbing his phone and following down your footsteps down the stairs.

He'd now appeared at the lower level, were he saw you standing at the for the door, rocking yourself a bit back and forth on your heels.

"You got everything ready?" He asked as you simply snickered under your breath "Yep! I got everything in mah coat!" You gestured to your lilac coat. The two, big pockets it had were filled with your phone, wallet, and a candy bar for some reason. Snacks.

"The gems know we'll be out, right?" You abruptly questioned, a tad bit of worry replacing your once soft and peppy voice. "Of course, now c'mon! Funland is calling our names!" Steven gently grabbed onto your hand and lead you out of the house, a soft and yet cold breeze swooping in from the horizon and brushing up against you both. It was nice and soothing, and as much as you hated the fact that there was sand everywhere..

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