~ ☆A very Special Chapter ☆~

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Rainbow Quartz 2.o


"Thank you explorer gal for saving us from that dazedly bandit guy!" Rainbow Quartz said, but he was controlling a small toy so we'll call him Monopoly guy for the time being "Mamama! Mamammam!" Onion, explorer gal said.. foreign language... "For your heroic efforts please accept: money.." Monopoly guys's real life hand then passed Onion a dollar "Our city was a mess without you! But now, Well.. I suppose it's still a mess.." Monopoly guy said "it's been fun playing but now we have to clean!" Rainbow Quartz 2.o said as he summoned a Rainbow with his hands behind him "Which is also fun!" Rainbow added, Onion looked at him "Are you ready to tiddy up?" Rainbow asked. Onion slowly threw up a broccoli "Oh Onion, don't be that way! Your best friend Rainbow will help you clean up!" Rainbow told the small, most likely 7-10 year old, he began to summon something from Pearl's gem "Let's get things a little more animated in here!" Rainbow then summoned his umbrella and softly struck two toys with it. The two toys then got up and waddled towards something with more following behind.

Stick by stick, the little blackbird builds.. a nest

Rainbow said as he watched a blackbird outside.. build a nest.

A mess to some.. but the littleblackbirdisn't stressed

A white long sleeved shirt flew into its drawer

Stick bystick, the little blackbird builds.. anest..

He said as passed his magical umbrella to Onion, since the boy tried to make the car go by tapping it similar to Rainbow with the umbrella. Onion then tapped the car with the umbrella and it drove itself to its designated place

And then he naps, cause even blackbirds need to rest!

Onion looked at the umbrella amazedly.

The fun won't stop if you have a friend around..

The guys and gals then jumped into their drawer as Rainbow watched.

The fun won't stop if you have a friend around..

Onion then tapped a rubber chicken, a toy baby and a jack in the box with the umbrella. The chicken and the jack in the box softly rocked themselves to the side as the baby toy's head spun inhumanly.

And when you laugh, it is my favorite sound

He then tapped a Venus flytrap. It was questionable why the young boy had that kind of plant in his room.

And that's what life is all about!

He then opened a drawer and then tapped some darts, the darts flew towards Rainbow

What the?!

Rainbow dodged the darts. They flew over him and into the dartboard, the dartboard fell onto a bunch of plates.

Next time, wash your dishes!

Rainbow scolded. Rainbow then took the umbrella from Onion and raised the dishes and made them float down stairs.

Can you...please explan what this is?

He backed away slightly as he pointed to a doll, of Steven, who waved at them. Weird enough, the doll had a pink eye and the other was white.


Onion then sent him kisses..

thank you for the kisses...

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