~ ☆Why so Blue? ☆~

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In this chapter we find out the cause, reason, or purpose for which know why particular gems are a color intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day.

This fomt means Pencil (Lapis) is singing.
Play le music when u see it.

The half gems and Lapis today had a little mission to accomplish, taking place in a blue land.

The warp pad arrived "Ok, this shouldn't take to long.." Steven told the girls
"Oh my god.." Y/N looked at their location "I think there's to much blue here..." She said

"Yeah, But most gems come around pretty quickly when I invite to little Homeschool, so don't worry sunshine we won't be here long" he assured her as they stepped off the light blue crystal pad "Not that I dislike it!" Y/N explained to him "I know, but something might come out and get you! RAWR!!" Steven grabbed her shoulders "Pfft!" "What a gorgeous planet!" Lapis said as they walked through the forest "Well.. Yeah now that my eyes have adjusted to it.." Y/N said "Oh.. wait a minute.." Lapis looked around "I know this planet.." she smiled "It's such an old memory! It was even before Pink even existed!" Lapis shouted Y/N looked at Steven "A Lapis from way back told me that one of the Diamonds used to come here.." Lapis explained to them and then turned to them. Awaiting a guess. Steven and Y/N exchanged glances

"Blue... Dia..mond?" Y/N asked
"No." Lapis was somewhat disappointed.
"She was small..?" Lapis hinted. Nothing..
"And she came here when her feelings we're rejected... Often threw balls.." Lapis raised a brow
"Oh! Mom, yeah, yeah, yeah!" Y/N responded as Steven nodded
"We all know why.." Lapis responded with a small smile as she looked at the different types of nature.
Lapis then stopped them from from walking with a gasp.

A small lotus formed plant stood in front of them, the bottom of the petals we're a light vibrant green while the tips we're a darker green, inside it was a hot pink color

"Woah.." Steven then poked it. The flower then snapped closed and a little face appeared, it seemed frightened and so did Lapis. It ran back to the bushes. More popped from out the bushes to see what their little friend had warned them about.

"Oh my gosh! I need them all!" Y/N walked towards the bush, one of the little flowers shuddered at her. Y/N tried to touch it and it didn't run away, it let itself be touched. "Aw your so precious!" Y/N told the critter, the critter grumbled quietly as to repeat the word 'precious' then that one and other little critters jumped onto her and hugged her. Lapis and Steven watched in awe

"Wow.. Guess your a mother now." Lapis stated
"Steven go do your job." Lapis instructed with a smirk,
"W-WHAT!!?" The flustered boy asked as Lapis as she snickered,

Steven sighed and then reached out and pet another one of the critters, the critter saw the care the other received when touched and let itself be touched. The critter now at ease crawled from one of his arms to the other as Steven laughed.

"Wow Steven, it took you a whole 5 seconds to make a new friend.." Lapis complimented as she walked towards him "Your getting rusty.." she informed as Steven hugged the small critter

"Y'know, I never used to notice creatures like this.. Before earth and You.. I used to terraform planets without thinking twice.. I wonder what beauty's I'd destroyed.." Lapis questioned herself as she pet the small critter "Life like this is so.. precious" The critter then bloomed happily "Wow.." Y/N whispered in amazement, she now held one critter with the others around her.

"Aw.. they remind me of You.." Steven smiled warmly

"So soft and cute, yet so beautiful and precious.. wonderful in every single way" Steven pecked her lips softly and quickly with his hands making their way to her hips.

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