~☆Together forever☆~

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F/F= Favourite Flowers
M/N= Middle name
Together forever

"Connie!" You bellowed in a thrilled approach. You'd been at Connie's house today, waiting for your cousin to come and pick you up,

But now she was on one of her breaks, speaking to Steven on FaceTime.

"What'd you find?" Connie swung her head back at you, seeing your feet resting on her window frame and raising a brow. "You didn't tell me you were going to Jayhawk!"

"Oh these! I've got a whole plan worked out for admission to the University. But.. I'm still not sure if I'm going to major in political science with a minor in sociology.. or major in sociology with a minor in Poli Sci."

"Did establishing democracy across the galaxy get you all excited about politics?" You asked her, studying the brochure slightly.

"Maybe! But as far as long-term career goals I'm also thinking more down-to-earth" Connie punned with a wink.

The three laughed at the slight space trauma remembrance.

"Speaking of University!"
You beamed, Steven's eyes widened at this. [ru-roh]

"As you both know, I have a brief history with astronomy. My mother, a space woman, bringing forward my attraction to it.."

"Since my cousin Malachi's studying astronomy he told me to stop by this same University so I could check it out. Thats why I was so surprised, we could be going to the same college."

And that's why you were at Connie's house today. Malachi didn't have time to make a dash to Beach City so he made the arrangement with dad and of course the Maheswarans to pick ya up at Connie's house while dad spoke to Doug.

Steven's face suddenly radiated the ever so popular pink aura. "S-Steven?" Connie questioned nervously "Ahh! Nothing- Just reminds me of something" he excused the glow in a miraculous amount of time. lie.

"Well why won't you look at the time! 15 minutes race by fast!" You gazed upon the clock on your wrist.

A ring tone interrupted your statement as Connie reached out to end the call. "Hello?" You answered and walked out of sight.

"Aww.. Shame I don't get to see any of you two today, these breaks are so fast though!" Steven sighed.

"Y'know you could just call her, Malachi isn't here for a while."

"No it isn't the same!!" He sighed.

"Oh! Connie I almost forgot. You left this brochure here when Pride and Y/N brought you over here. W-Was it for me?" Steven furrowed his brows at the folded paper.

The young man in the picture looked so happy in front of the big building.

"Oh! No, that was Pride. He was reading it so I guess he left it..?" Connie shrugged.

Steven looked at the bottom of the brochure 'Bi yourself ;)' was written in purple glitter pen.

"Yep. Definitely." Steven rose a brow at the pun.

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