~ ☆Snow Day ☆~

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Alarms on a Monday.
For 7:13, a peculiar hour if I do say so myself.
But this was a chime, not so much an alarm but however it still awoke him.

Steven extended his hand and grabbed the phone. He brought it up to his face and stopped the alarm. "All right little Homeschool.." he began sleepily "What's on the docket for today?" He quietly asked himself. Apparently, he had many things to do on this day. He scrolled down to see more; he then inhaled calmly after he had lowered the phone.

"You.. can do it.." he stretched his arms out as to give a hug, perhaps a little Y/N.. He then groaned and arose from the bed.

He pressed the button on what appeared to be a coffee machine. A light blue liquid, presumably a different color in the normal light as this time was early in the morning, the colored liquid poured itself into a aqua blue bottle with the helping hands of Steven.

"You really gonna skip the most egg-ssential meal of the day?" Amethyst queried jokingly, she had fried eggs placed on top of her eyes. She pointed at them as Steven looked at her curiously,
"Of course not." Steven replied simply while he twisted the cap on. "I've got all my morning nutrients in this protein shake" he told her, shaking the bottle slightly in the air the while. He then walked away. Amethyst poked the egg's yolks, making them drip down her face like tears "Dude, your making me SAD.."

"Steven." Garnet began, Steven's attention directed to her "I've packet everything your gonna need for today in your cheeseburger backpack!" Garnet informed softly . Steven looked a bit disappointed "Uhh.. I don't really use that anymore.." "Besides I packed my own bag.." He showed her his satchel "At least: Pet this cat." She requested, Cat Steven popped out of the backpack "Why was I going to need— Never mind, gotta go" Steven passed up petting Cat Steven, how cruel!

Steven walked towards the door "Hold it!" Pearl stopped him
"According to my weather application it's going to snow all day and overnight!" Pearl then revealed what her phone said to him. A little penguin waved as the background colored light blue was a fading to a darker blue. The background was covered in snowflakes.

"Your going to freeze if you don't put on a puffer."
Puffer engaged.

"A hat."
Hat engaged.

"And two scarves."
Two scarves engaged.

Steven seemed very annoyed by Pearls motherly acts.
"That'll make it three" she reached out to place it on him bit he protested and backed away. "Pearl! I need to get going!" "But classes don't start for another couple of hours.." Pearl indicated as Steven grabbed his keys
"Wait for us.. we can head over together.." Garnet advised
"Why are you taking the old dondai anyway?" Amethyst asked as she wobbled over to them, she had the eggs on her eyes providing her the ability to not see. "We have the warp technology." She then wiped the eggs off her eyes with her tongue.

"It's because: I've got errands to run in town before classes start." Steven told them, his temper wobbled. "Of course, go get 'em champ." Garnet supported, she put a hand on Steven's head. "Yeah! Got get 'em" Pearl and Amethyst joined in unison as they also placed they're hands on his head. This was a legitimate 'bruh' moment to Steven.

Night arrived and a little white Dondai also arrived filled with tunes.
A moody Steven arrived and flicked on the light switch. "Surprise!" Worst unison of the century, no offense. "We we're sitting in the dark!" Amethyst reminded

"Hey guys." Steven's moody voice was worse than his moody appearance

"Guess what we've got lined up tonight?" Amethyst questioned in a sing-song voice "Pup-copter sky high adventure!" Amethyst trilled "Sheet masks with cute animal faces" Pearl said as she put on a panda mask, but I gotta admit that one is kinda disappointing am I right?
"And most importantly.
Now that's the good stuff.
"Uh, guys I've been a vegetarian for like a month" (🔫yOuCaNtJuStTuRnDoWnPiZzA) "And Pup-copter is for 6 year olds.." he implied "AND I have my own skin care routine" (*confusion*)
"Anyways it's cool, I already ate."

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