1. What It Should Be (Prologue)

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Molly strolls through Alexandria remembering the first time their group saw the place. She feels the warm Summer breeze zip through her hair and smiles gently at those passing her by. Glancing over at her sister, Tara, she recalls how lucky she is to have found her family.

Alexandria. The place we had called home for almost just over a year now.

I remember the feeling of walking through those gates with everyone and immediately knowing that this was the place that I always knew we would get to.

It has always felt like a safe haven for us and some days when I don't have to leave the compound, it's as though we have left all of the horror and death of the outside world behind.

It was like a mini town with its rows of white washed houses each with a small porch out front lining the walls on either side and in the middle were a dozen apple and pear trees on a large oval patch of grass.

Everyone was always busy working and before Rick, Deanna made a great leader.

She was the type of woman who could work you out just by looking at you.

Of course, she made Rick and Michonne enforcement officers, Daryl a hunter, Maggie was on crops and Glenn, Rosita, Tara and I were all runners.

As much as I liked being inside of the compound, I relished the ability to provide for others.

It took a while to get used to how things were run at Alexandria but I knew that I would always be grateful to Aaron for allowing us to become part of their community which felt like the start of a new world.

I was worried for Carol though, she had been through so much before we came to Alexandria and somehow the ease to which she slipped right into the role of a housewife made me worry even more.

As much as I wanted to relax and trust the people of this community, I felt strangely unease as the place was practically perfect, too perfect.

I think the only person that made me feel like I wasn't alone in my thoughts was Daryl.

Daryl's the type of person who is hard to read a lot of the time and it takes a while for them to trust you, but deep down they are the sweetest most caring person alive.

I could tell that while everyone in our group had settled into Alexandria, Daryl still felt uneasy and unwelcome.

He would sit on Carol's porch and we would talk about everything but mostly about how we felt like it was too good to be true and that with everything that we had all gone through that trusting in this place too quickly would kill us all.

Daryl was right and not long after we arrived at Alexandria, everything went to shit.

The same happened again, and it started with a group who wanted what we had.

They called themselves 'wolves' and could be identified by a W on their forehead which was carved into their skin.

Rick thought that reuniting with Morgan meant that he was the same person back when it all started, but Morgan had changed.

He was against killing people, which I didn't wholly agree with but I understood why.

If we keep killing people, then how can we honestly build a fair new civilisation if our actions betray us, but where we were at that point, there was no option but to protect what was ours or they would take it and most likely kill us all.

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