73. Back To You

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Molly is further along in her pregnancy and is now one month away from giving birth, but with tensions heating up in Alexandria, will this put a strain on her wellbeing? With Molly's happiness on full display, Michonne makes a revelation while she discusses with Ezekiel what they have both lost.

Six months later...

I slowly rolled like a giant marshmallow out of bed and supported my back with my hand as I stood up and stretched.

Negan was getting dressed for the day as I went to stand in front of the mirror and admired my large baby bump.

I smiled as I stroked my stomach over my large t shirt.

Negan chuckled, saying 'look at you!' as he walked up slowly behind me and wrapped his hands over mine.

He kissed my cheek sweetly and said 'I love you' as he nuzzled into my neck.

I giggled as I rested my head against his.

'I have a council meeting so could you do dinner for Lydia after training?' I asked as I kissed him sweetly and walked over to get dressed and picked up my gun.

The holsters were too far down to bend so I didn't need to wear them but I took my gun just in case.

Negan frowned and said 'whatcha doin over there?' as he saw the gun.

I rolled my eyes and said 'alright mr protective, it's just in case'.

He walked over and placed it back down onto our chest of drawers.

'Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I still can't handle myself. If anything happens to our baby...' I said worriedly as Negan held my hand and said sternly 'If anyone tries to harm you or our baby, I will kill them'.

I nodded, saying 'I know, but promise me you'll be safe too', he smiled 'always am'.

He walked me to the meeting and kissed me goodbye as I smiled back at him.

I loved how protective he was being over us, I thought as I stroked my stomach.

He was protective of me before, but this was next level and I was loving it.

Negan and I weren't so much worried about people in Alexandria harming our baby, but with the war getting closer and me being due in a month, we were on red alert.

I thought that out of everyone, Rosita would be the least supportive but she became one of the ones I relied on most nowadays.

It was like this before with us, before Negan, but I never thought we would get to have this again.

She had had a baby in this walker filled world, so she knew what it was like.

She showed me great recipes for pregnant women, natural creams and potions for sore skin and muscles.

We were finally getting our friendship back and it felt wonderful.

Lydia's POV//

After training, I went straight to the laundry place, knowing that Negan was working there.

I felt hesitant because of my attack which still loomed over me in my mind, but I knew nothing could hurt me with Negan there.

I sat down and starting prodding the earth with a stick, looking for worms.

Negan came round with a wheelbarrow of washing and smiled, saying 'hey kiddo'.

I replayed in my mind all of the horrible things those three had said to me months ago and why they did it.

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