25. I Need You

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Negan wishes Molly was still at the Sanctuary as he realises he needs her now more than ever, especially when everything is started to crumble around him. He comes to realise that the only person he could ever trust was Molly and everyone else are just people willing to stab him in the back to get ahead in life.

Negan's POV//

I waited in the meeting room, my feet up on the table and Lucille strung over my shoulder.

Simon knocked on the door and walked in, he looked guilty.

'So, did they surrender?' I said throwing my hands in the air.

He looked down saying 'we got royally fucked. My plan would've worked but we were betrayed'.

I shot him a look of scepticism, my grip on Lucille tightening in annoyance.

'How?' I said rubbing my forehead and squinting.

'Dwight, he sabotaged our weapons. He destroyed the guts' he said slowly.

I scowled then a smile rose across my face which made Simon frown in confusion.

'Alright, Si. Bring the fucker to me' I said ushering him out.

He backed out quickly and after a short while presented Dwight to me.

He didn't look at me, obviously knowing why he was here.

'Thank you Simon' I said as he walked out, leaving just the two of us.

I stood up and walked towards him, 'so, I hear the run went to shit. Why was that Dwighty-boy?' I said leaning over him.

He told me the truth, I was surprised that he did. He had balls that was for sure.

But something else that he said caught my attention more.

'I was weak, I know. But, I own up to that, others wouldn't' he said quietly.

I frowned and titled my head, asking 'others like who?'.

He hesitated before saying 'Simon's been plotting behind your back. He's been trying to take over for months now and he sent guys to find Molly and have her killed'.

My eyes fixed on him when he mentioned her name.

Rage filled my body as I clenched my jaw, trying to relieve some tension.

I walked around the room as he just stood there awkwardly.

'You lot are a bunch of sorry shits, you really are. Where's your fucking proof? Is it on the floor with your loyalty?' I growled.

'I can prove it to you' he said.

'Alright D, follow me' I said as I marched out of the room.

We walked down the hallway to his room, 'get changed, then the fun begins' I said sinisterly.

He opened his door to reveal Laura, Diane and Jed.

Dwight tried to turn around but I blocked him at the entrance. I nodded to them to signal his punishment.

They started beating him up as I stood watching.

'Sorry D, I rate you telling me the truth, but you still got my men killed' I said scowling.

His punishment was deserving, he put everyone else at risk through his actions.

But, a part of me was slightly relieved. I kept thinking about if Molly was there, if she got injured or if Simon had killed her out there.

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