12. Darlin'

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Molly felt both vulnerable and unstoppable when she was around him. But the dangerous thing was that he had the power to make her feel like she was both his world or less than nothing. As much as she didn't want to want him, she couldn't stop herself. No matter who warned her, she would have to discover his true nature on her own and that would be a lonely road indeed. 

I had walked away from him. I didn't look back but I could feel his eyes on me, as were everyone else's.

He would surely kill me now, especially after that.

I knew no one but him had heard what I said but even so, doing anything without his permission made people audibly gasp.

Sherry walked slowly out of the hall, once Negan had dismissed them and once she reached the corridor she ran after me.

Even though I was almost back at my room by now, I heard Negan's voice echo through the corridor.

'Quit standing around, get back to work!' he yelled.

He was pissed.

I knew this would probably be the end of me so I sat in my room waiting for what felt like an eternity.

Sherry had knocked on my door multiple times, bringing me food, asking if I was okay but I couldn't move and eventually she left.

I wasn't angry at Sherry but I couldn't help that a wave of rage rose through me at what Negan had put me through.

He made me fight in front of everyone like I was some sort of joke, a performing monkey dancing to his tune.

It felt like we'd gone straight back to square one and everything nice that he'd done for me, everything he'd shown me had all been a lie.

I had sat there for hours, waiting for him to come and kill me but he never did.

So, I decided to try and get some sleep as I was exhausted and in pain from the fight.

Of course all night I tossed and turned thinking about how I always knew that he was working some angle to recruit me and so was I in trying to find his weaknesses and exploit them, but it all felt strangely genuine and real.

I guess it wasn't just Negan I was angry at, but also myself in developing feelings for someone so utterly heartless.

The next morning...

It was early in the morning when I woke, my eyes and jaw clenched shut as I writhed in pain upon rising.


What if I broke something during the fight?

As I sat up slowly, and tried to roll my shoulders I gasped in pain as my shoulder locked in place.

Cold sweats grew across my body which definitely wasn't a good sign.

The bad thing was that with everything that I had gone through in life, surviving one day to the next, gaining new injuries almost every damn day, my pain tolerance increased and so if I had broken something, I couldn't feel it as much.

But I knew I had to take a look and see what the hell was going on.

I walked over to the mirror and gently removed my shirt that I always wore to bed, using only one arm to do so.

My eyes started to cloud and water as I saw the state of my body.

I had bruising all down the right side of my ribcage and on my right arm where that guy must have thrown me backwards and my shoulder looked ever so slightly out of place.

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