71. Prove It

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Molly finds herself strangely unwell as she leads Alexandria and Michonne makes a shocking revelation to Cindy during training.

Michonne's POV//

We had stayed at Oceanside for a few days now and our training was coming along nicely, although Judith was better at teaching than I was.

It felt good to have Daryl, Connie and Kelly here and I knew that Daryl was here for Carol but either way it felt good to have support.

Molly was leading Alexandria as well as she always did though I can't say I was completely thrilled to see Negan out and about, but she was right, the past is in the past for a reason, it's our future we should be focussing on.

With that said, today is the day that Carol comes back from her boat.

She promised to come back once every few months to see everyone but said that it was better for her out there rather than on the shore, which I understood.

Carol waved to us all happily as we stood at the dock waiting for her.

We all cheered and smiled as we saw her, Daryl lifted her down and hugged her tightly while Ezekiel just stood there awkwardly.

Even I was trying to get him to at least say something.

'Welcome home' he said in faux happiness.

Carol smiled slightly and said 'thanks' as she walked with us back to the main camp at Oceanside.

I watched on as I saw everyone playing on the beach between training sessions.

Judith and RJ chased Daryl's dog while Connie and Kelly made sandcastles.

I smiled to myself to see everyone so content and as much as I tried to stay happy, I couldn't help but think of Rick and how we could've been a family at the beach.

I forced a smile as Judith looked my way happily as she said, 'look mom!' as she pointed to the sandcastle.

I laughed and said 'I see it, great job you guys!'.

While everyone's attention was elsewhere, I suddenly clocked a snarling sound from the trees.

I turned around hastily and drew out my katana as I paced forward out of everyone's line of sight to check it out.

Three walkers came through but I chopped them all down in one.

I thought it was over until I heard, 'walkers!' from Cindy and I ran back to the beach to see over thirty of them heading towards us.

'Now!' I yelled as their training kicked in and everyone sprang to formation with their shields to protect themselves and the group.

They parted and Daryl threw a hatchet knocking two of them down as the rest used spears.

I stood in front of Judith and RJ as I held them behind me as I struck them down.

Judith protested but I wasn't taking any risks.

It only took us a few minutes to kill them all and our training had clearly worked.

I shouted 'great job guys!' as everyone congratulated everyone.

'We can do this' Cindy said as she patted me on the back.

I smiled and nodded, repeating 'we can do this'.

She continued breathlessly, asking 'how's Molly doing?'.

'She's better, she uh, she's healing' I replied.

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