46. Masked

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For so long, Molly has believed her greatest war to be at home, but soon she will discover that there are greater threats which lurk in the shadows of the world.

Rosita's POV//

'Come on!' I shouted back to Eugene who was struggling to keep up as we darted through the trees.

We were still miles away from Alexandria, in fact we were now closer to Hilltop.

Michonne had sent us out to hunt but we got caught by a large horde of walkers.

They practically had us cornered and with Eugene lagging behind we had no choice but to hide.

I ran back and grabbed his arm, yanking him forward to pick up the pace as we slid down the bank, mud and leaves cushioning our fall.

I heard walkers growling and snarling so I knew they were nearby.

I thought quickly and shovelled up mud around us and buried Eugene and I in it to conceal our scent.

My heart beat fast as I felt Eugene tremble beside me, I grabbed his hand and interlocked it with mine to steady his nerves and also admittedly mine.

I shut my eyes and just prayed that they would just walk past, until a voice made my eyes dart wide open again.

'W-where are they' a walker whispered.

'They might be close' another answered as the horde continued to pass by.


They were talking?! Was I just severely dehydrated and hallucinating or had the dead just spoken?

'Don't let them get away' one whispered hoarsely, at this I felt Eugene stop shaking.

I think he was practically stunned into silence by the shock of what we had just witnessed.

They had finally passed as I grabbed Eugene, hoisted him up and told him to keep walking.

Of course Eugene being Eugene wanted to stop and talk about what just happened but I just ignored him, wanting to process what I had just heard as well.

We walked for hours until we found an old barn just outside of Hilltop.

I knew Eugene couldn't walk any further, he had an injury to his leg which kept bothering him since the war against the Saviours.

I helped him down into a bunker, enclosed by a trap door.

I concealed him with a mound of hay in the middle of the barn and then went on to Hilltop for help.

When I got there, I panted out of breath and Molly came running.

Molly's POV//

'Rosita? I thought you were at Alexandria? What's going on?' I asked anxiously as I opened the gates.

'I-It's Eugene, he needs help. I'll explain in a minute' she said bending down, trying to breathe normally.

I frowned in confusion but rushed over to her, ushering Jesus and Tara to follow and we followed her to where Eugene was.

'Rosita, tell me' I said sternly.

'We made it out, that's all that matters' she answered as she opened the trap door to reveal a muddied Eugene.

'What the-?' I started to say as he climbed out, wincing in pain as his leg caught the side of the door.

'What do you mean you 'made it out'?' Jesus asked as we helped Eugene to stand.

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