47. Lydia

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Molly meets a young girl, part of the group that killed her friend and has to decide her fate, through this realising who she truly is.

There we stood, in the pouring summer rain.

I wiped my face as the rain coated my skin, mixing with the dirt and tears already there.

I sniffled as I kept digging with Aaron and Daryl until there was a gaping hole in the ground.

'Molly, you don't have to do this' Daryl said as he stopped my shovel in front of me.

I sighed.

'I have to, I have to' I whispered as I moved his hand away and kept digging.

Michonne and Luke lowered his body into the space.

Aaron and Tara held my hands as we sobbed together.

I closed my eyes as they all filled back the space, I couldn't watch him really be gone.

I wanted to believe that he was with me, always.

Aaron started by saying a few words, so did everyone else and I was last.

I took a deep breath, looked up to the sky and started.

'Jesus was one of the good ones, so kind, trusting, selfless. He welcomed me to Hilltop, made me feel like I could do this. He was the one who believed in me, even if I didn't and that never changed. I loved him like a brother and I know, for certain, that he is up there, watching over all of us' I said softly, my voice breaking when I remembered how he welcomed me.

I had to keep calm and stay in control for Tara.

So, I fought back my tears after I said my goodbye to Jesus and planned our next move.

While everyone was inside, I grabbed my jacket and helmet and headed to my bike.

'Where are you going?' Tara asked sadly.

'We have to carry on, Tara. I'm going to Alexandria, we need information on those fuckers' I said as I strapped on my helmet and sat on my bike.

She ran over now and begged me to stay.

'Wait you're gonna ask Negan?' she asked with annoyance.

I threw my hands in the air and said 'he might know something, or the Saviours might' I added as I started up the engine.

'No, Molly we need you here...' she pleaded.

I shook my head, 'I can't, I have to do something Tara! We have to fight these bastards' I shouted in frustration.

'You never felt that way about the Saviours' she said reluctantly and looked down when she realised what she had just said.

I stared at her in shock and just nodded at her meaning.

I angrily revved the engine and took off out of the gates and towards Alexandria.

Still annoyed by Tara's words, as soon as I arrived at Alexandria I threw down my bike and stormed to Negan's cell.

Seth just stepped aside, clearly not wanting to even try to stop me and opened the door.

I exhaled and stepped through to see Negan reading on the floor.

'Hey, I need your help' I said breathlessly.

He looked up and scowled, clearly pissed at me for something.

He shut his book angrily and stood up, pacing closer to the bars.

'So now you're confiding in me?' he asked sarcastically.

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