37. New World

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Molly was finally starting to see the 'new world' take shape. A sense of community and fraternity was brewing because of Rick's leadership, but would this include Negan and his once Saviours?

With Maggie and Jesus now running Hilltop, everything seemed to fall into place.

There was still a lot of tension there between Maggie and Rick because of his decision to keep Negan alive but there was certainly hope in the air.

Maggie also believed in Rick's dream of a better future for all the communities, including the Sanctuary which was now practically a ruin.

But she couldn't force herself to return to Alexandria.

With Negan being there it would be too hard, plus she was needed at Hilltop now more than ever, to create a safe and stable environment for little Herschel.

But, because of this, Maggie had started to isolate Hilltop from Alexandria because of Rick and Negan and this hurt Rick deeply.

He just couldn't see Maggie's point of view, because he was so blinded by his determination to create Carl's vision and protect his memory.

I had left Alexandria for a few days to join Rick on his journey to Hilltop to talk to Maggie about potential trade agreements.

It also gave me time away to think about Negan and my future.

What if he had changed?

He still had a long way to go, but, if he was willing to cooperate with the others and show them who he really is, I know that eventually he could be a valued member of our community.

Of course, if I expressed these ideas to anyone but myself they would think that I was insane for believing that he could be redeemed.

But there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes that I'd never seen before.

I know that he will always be Negan and there was no changing that.

But what if he used his intelligence and leadership to help us and be a part of something where people can thrive?

I know that was what he wanted at the Sanctuary but with people constantly stepping out of line, that idea never stood a chance.

I just hoped that he thought about what I had said to him before I left, I hoped that he would show them all who he could be and who he always has been to me.

When we reached Hilltop, we were greeted by Tara and Jesus at the gates.

Tara squealed and pulled me into a tight hug.

I patted her on her back to let me go as I chuckled whilst regaining my breath.

When I looked back up I saw Cindy approaching us cheerfully as she wrapped her arms around Tara's waist and kissed her on the cheek.

I shot Tara a smirked look as if to say 'you finally told her! I'm so happy for you'.

I fist bumped Jesus as we smiled to each other and he led us up to the house where Maggie would be waiting.

I went with Rick to see Maggie and Herschel while Tara and Cindy waited outside for us.

I was apprehensive, I was worried that Rick would tell her about my meeting with Negan, assuming that Michonne had told him.

He kept quiet about that part, I guess he thought that would be too much for her.

He was right, but I still felt horrible about it.

When we walked up to the house, Maggie was sat in a rocking chair on the porch with Herschel cradled to her chest.

She looked so happy, so peaceful and calm.

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