26. Different

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Negan finds out why Molly had been acting differently weeks before she left, while Molly realises her family might react differently than she expected when she decides to tell them about Negan.

Negan's POV//

It was fucking chaos.

People killed walkers from the lower stairs, but they had occupied the entire ground floor.

There was no clear way out.

I sat in the meeting room, my head in my hands when Eugene came in.

'Sir, I believe I may have an answer to our prayers' he said confidently.

I looked up and said 'well...' as I gestured for him to elaborate.

He said he had been working on a motorised paper plane which when attached to an walkman, played music and could be flown over the walkers to draw them away.

I chuckled at his genius.

'You are something else Eugene' I said as I whacked Lucille onto the table enthusiastically.

He flinched at the sound, but smiled when he realised I was pleased with him.

'Alright, Dr Smartypants, get to it' I said ushering him out, now being able to turn my attention to Simon.

I walked down the hallway and checked the status of the walker infestation situation, we were getting through them but it would take a while.

Meanwhile, Rick could be planning more of a shit storm so we had to be prepared.

As I marched, I saw Sherry walking towards me with great intent.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion as she raced over to me.

'Negan, can I have a word?' she asked.

'Can it wait?' I said tiredly.

'No, I'm afraid it can't' she said.

Fuck, it must have been important so I ushered her into the ex-wives room.

I sat down and sighed as I propped Lucille next to me.

'So...' I said impatiently.

She hovered awkwardly in front of me, 'it's about Simon' she said looking down.

I fixed my gaze now on her completely, 'what about the prick?' I said sternly.

She played with her hands nervously, 'well, it's also about Molly' she said quietly, almost so quiet I couldn't hear her.

I leant forward now, interlocking my hands together and resting my elbows on my knees.

I gave her a look as if to say 'carry on'.

She sat down shaking and took a couple of deep breaths before she started on a story which changed my life.

'You might have noticed, that before Molly escaped, she was acting...differently' she said, still avoiding my gaze.

I scowled, already imagining various scenarios involving the love of my life and that spineless piece of shit, Simon.

'She was reserved and didn't want to see anyone...' she said softly, looking down at her feet.

I sighed sadly, 'I remember', now also looking down.

'The...bruises...scars...cuts' she said painfully slowly.

She didn't want to expand further.

I looked up at her now and shook my head, knowing in the back of mind what had happened to her, but I didn't want to admit it.

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