18. A New Life

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New beginnings, new possibilities. He was addictive and as much as Molly tried to deny it, she loved him. But would this result in her downfall?

Warm light danced across my eyelids as I came to my senses.

Opening my eyes slowly, I looked around the room to see the curtains wide open and Lucille now gone from the sofa.

I frowned confusedly as I turned over groaning. He was gone.

I frowned as my heart sank, a niggling thought entering my mind.

What if this didn't mean as much to him as it did to me?

I waited for what felt like ages, but that was just my anxiety taking control of my mind.

He wasn't coming back.

I felt like such an idiot.

I didn't want to be in this room any longer so pulling the sheets away from my naked limbs, I grabbed my clothes up off of the floor and frantically started to pull my shirt over my head.

Just as I was pulling my shirt down, the door swung open.

It was Negan.

He was in a white t shirt and sweatpants, carrying a tray which from what I could see held a vase of flowers.

I gasped at his presence, 'morning beautiful' he said smiling widely at me.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed with my legs swung over the side and just a shirt covering me.

'We're you about to walk out on me?' he asked with a smirk, pretending to not be hurt.

'No, I-I mean you weren't there when I woke...so I thought-' I said stuttering and fiddling with a strand of my hair.

He chuckled slightly as he walked towards the bed and placed the tray gently next to me.

It was filled with two plates of pancakes, a pitcher of orange juice, mixed berries and the flowers of course.

This time they weren't wild flowers, but perfect red roses.

A smile started to uncontrollably spread across my face at his thoughtfulness.

'You thought that I just thought it was sex. Trust me darlin, I meant what I said last night' he said as he bent down to plant a kiss on my forehead.

'Plus I had urgent business to attend to. I'd been thinking about it for a fucking while now' he said seriously as he lay down on his side of the bed.

I moved the tray in between us as I slid back down into the covers.

He picked a couple berries up from the tray and popped them into his mouth.

I frowned slightly, 'what was it?' I asked looking into his perfect eyes intently.

He swivelled so he was now laying on his side, 'it was about my wives' he said softly.

Fuck. I'd forgotten about that.

A wave of anxiety flooded my body as a million thoughts entered my mind as I wondered how this relationship would practically work.

He couldn't give up his wives could he? They were part of his status.

He looked into my eyes as if he could read my every thought.

'I know that look, it's not what you think doll' he said smirking.

He sat up suddenly, so his focus was entirely on me.

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