63. Equals

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Molly and Negan start to, for the first time, become equals in their relationship. Molly helps Lydia put down roots and introduces her to someone she loves, however her mental state appears to be getting the better of her.

As I walked out into the snow, people stared at me and audibly gasped at my rapid recovery.

Lydia rushed over and said 'Molly! You're okay! But, you should be resting'.

'I feel fine, my temperature is back up and I'm nice and warm. I'm good, I promise' I said as I pulled her into a soft hug.

'Hey, would you come with me inside a sec?' I asked her as she nodded and followed me into the hospital.

'I wanted to ask you...if you would want to live with me? I have a house here at Alexandria and I haven't been back for a while and I know that you would probably rather be at Hilltop because you liked it there but I jus-' I said frantically.

Like I was reeling off every thought in my mind before she cut me off.

'I would like that' she said softly as she smiled widely.

I nodded, saying 'good'.

'But what about Hilltop, you're there leader' she asked.

'I know, but I just can't be there anymore...where she's buried, I just can't. I have a suggestion for who could take over though' I replied.

She frowned, thinking hard about who it would be.

'Who?' she asked.

'You'll see' I replied teasingly as I ushered her to follow me to my house.

Michonne has given me my keys a while back when we first came back to Alexandria, but I hadn't dared to go inside.

I guess the place just reminded me of Tara and I wasn't sure if I could handle it.

I walked up to my house, it was virtually spotless and untouched so I unlocked the door and I creaked open.

Lydia stepped inside first as I followed, she looked around in awe.

'Wow! I haven't been in a house like this since I was really little' she said smiling.

I too looked around, seeing all the books still in place, especially the ones Tara loves to borrow.

'Yeah, it's a beautiful house. Maybe it will be yours one day' I said smiling.

'C'mon I'll show you your room and I'll take your bags for you' I said as I carried her bag upstairs and opened the door to the spare room.

Upstairs had two bedrooms and one bathroom, so it was perfect for us.

The winter sunshine shone through the window pane, making all the dust in the air visible.

The room hadn't been used since...well Tara.

'This was Tara's room once, before she and her girlfriend moved into their own house' I said sadly as I placed down her bag by the bed.

'Just across the street there' I said as I pointed out the window.

I sighed reflectively.

'You make yourself comfortable while I go and run an errand. I'll be back in 10 minutes' I said softly as I paced down the stairs and back out onto the street.

I saw Luke walking by and I ran after him.

'Hey boss!' he said happily.

'Hey Luke, listen I want to ask you something. It's more of a proposal actually...' I said hesitantly.

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