9. Wolf In Saviour's Clothing

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Negan was working his way under Molly's skin. Or was it the other way around? As long as he couldn't figure her out, she was safe. She knew he was dangerous, but for some reason he didn't scare her. She could see that there was more behind the eyes.

Ah home sweet home.

This cell was starting to hold a weird familiarity, I hated being here but apart from Negan's daily chats with me and Dwight bringing me food which consisted of a dog food sandwich, the solitude was actually not bad.

I thought I would be going crazy by now and I loved the outdoors but in here felt strangely safe.

Negan had offered to move me to a better cell so that I wouldn't have to stay in place where a guy had tried to rape me, but I refused.

In fact I liked it, being in the very same room where that had happened reminded me that I was alive and that prick wasn't.

I was empowered, as empowered as being in a cell can make you but at least walkers couldn't get at me, so that was a plus.

And right on time, the door swung open and in came Dwight...

Dwight usually brought me food but he hadn't yesterday.

As usual I didn't speak, neither did he.

Instead he just put the food on the floor beside me.

He was about to leave when he said 'have you been talkin' to Sherry?'.

I looked up at him, squinting because of the light, 'why do you care? I retorted.

'I don't, just don't get mixed up in...his wives. Negan's taken a shine to you but don't push it' he said pulling me up from the ground.

I struggled, 'where are we going?', 'the food hall, Negan wants you to be there' Dwight replied.

I was puzzled but remained silent as we walked.

As soon as the doors opened, the hall was filled to the brim with Saviours, it's leader standing by the oven.

What was going on?

Negan ignored me but simply instructed Dwight to get the iron ready.

The what?!

Everyone was on their knees now, not me.

A man was strapped into a chair in the middle of the room.

One of Negan's wives was crying, the one he was talking to when I saw Sherry again.

'You know the deal, What's about to happen is gonna be hard to watch. I don't want to do it. I wish I could just ignore the rules and let it slide, but I can't. Why?' he spoke addressing his people.

'The rules keep us alive!' they all chanted in unison.

I looked around confused, mumbling 'Jesus Christ' under my breath at their worship of him.

Negan looked directly at me through the crowd, 'that. Is. Right' he said softer than before.

'We survive. We provide security to others. We bring civilisation back to this world. We are the Saviours. But we can't do that without rules'. He said without breaking eye contact, like he was trying to convince me.

He broke eye contact now, 'rules are what make it all work. I know it's not easy. But there's always work. There is always a cost. Here, if you try to skirt it, if you try to cut that corner...then it is the iron for you'.

I looked over at Dwight, we looked at each other, understanding each other a bit more.

Seeing how being back here affected him, I had guessed that Negan burnt his face as well.

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