69. Someday

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Molly makes a confession to Michonne while Negan comes to terms with his past and Lydia thinks about her future at Alexandria.

Michonne and Judith had finally come home from Hilltop.

This filled me with both excitement and regret.

I was happy to see them both, alive and well.

Judith was like my niece and Michonne was my sister.

I loved them both so I hated them not knowing what everyone else already probably knew, that Negan and I were together.

Of course, people had whispered about him, about us for years but, because we were living together, Negan no longer in his cell and we looked after a kid, it was serious.

I think that's what unsettled people the most, that this wasn't some flirty fling with a prisoner, he was now one of us because of me and people felt threatened by us, like the King and Queen of the Sanctuary would reign over them too now.

I didn't wanna reign over anybody, I knew that Negan still did but that he held that part of himself in the past for me.

But it was the fact that we were three outcasts, the 'monster', the 'whisperer' and the 'saviour', although they interchanged monster and saviour for both Negan and I.

I knew that Judith would be okay with it, more elated than okay given how much she cared about Negan when Michonne understandably didn't.

But, Michonne, she was the type who I knew would be happy for me to see that after Tara, I could still be happy but that I found my happiness in Negan would be an issue. I was right.

Michonne strolled with Judith through the front gates as I went to greet her.

'Hey' she said smiling as she hugged me.

'I should've come home sooner' she said apologetically.

I stopped her and said quietly 'no, honestly the trial went better than expected, great actually. Listen, I need to talk with you in private about something'.

Michonne nodded sceptically and told Judith to go see Daryl and RJ while she talked to me for a minute.

I asked her to come sit with me on the bench beneath the tree and breathed deeply, hesitating before I spoke.

'Negan is living with me now' I said quickly, just trying to get it off my chest.

'What?' she said sternly but calmly.

'He is a prisoner Molly?! Or have you forgotten what he did...to all of us!' she yelled.

'I haven't nor will I ever, but he has shown over the years that he has changed. He has served our community time and time again and saving Lydia was no exception. I know it wasn't my decision to make...' I said slowly before she cut me off.

'You're damn right it wasn't!' she yelled.

'But...I made the call and if you will just give him a trial period, say two weeks. If he puts one toe out of line, then he goes back to the cell. But, showing the others that people can change, that they can find redemption, is that not what the future of this place is all about?' I asked softly.

Michonne sighed and nodded, 'fine, but he will still have guards'.

I nodded happily, saying 'deal'.

'How's Lydia doing?' she asked worriedly.

'She's banged up pretty bad, but she's healing. I just want people to see what we see, you know? That she's not a whisperer, hell she wasn't even one when she was with them. It just infuriates me that people hate her so much for something she didn't even do' I ranted as Michonne held my hand.

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