(2020's) XVIII

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Pick a name! Any name!












Before you start this Chapter, it is long and I hope you will enjoy reading it. Now, I know I signed up for this especially when I started the book. Now please, one request from me before you start this. I am very well aware that Alastor is Asexual and please, don't brush it on my face in the comment. I am aware, and this is my book, my au, my plot. So if you don't like it, you're free to leave this in your library and leave it unread.

Be open minded on this Chapter, be mature, now I know i can't stop the younger age from reading this, especially those who are 15 years old and down. But of course, feel free to read, and feel free to leave!

This is also the opening for the ending of the book so I really hope you enjoy it.

By the way, this is the surprise 💅

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6 years later~

And there she is! The succesful billionaire all over Asia. Her name is (Name) (Last Name). 24 years old, a hard-working billionaire that gain success at the age of 19. Pretty unbelievable if I do say so myself. No one ever though that she would be able to handle her parents' company, but damn were they wrong. Look at her now, she on the top of the world.

She's all around the media, she's pretty famous.

Though some people would always think that she's all alone. With all the money she had, how come there's no one beside her to take care of her? Boy, they were also very wrong about that thought.

There are so many theories who (Name)'s real lover is. But non of them are true.

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Everything came back to normal. What is weird to you is already considered as normal. I mean, having a demonic lover on your side, of course nothing seemed to bother you anymore.

Currently, Alastor had gone back in hell for a certain business. You're also glad that he's able to go back freely there since of course, having Lucifer to know that you're well alive, it could cost Alastor his immortality from the hands of the king of all hell. But, it's a good thing that you're good friend manage to give you two the life that you both deserve.

Seriously, Avis is an idiot.

"Here's your chocolate milk, Ma'am." Your personal assistant said as she handed you your iced brew drink from the nearest Starbucks just down to your building.

You smiled at her, "Thank you, Janet." You said as you took the drink from your table as you start drinking it slowly. Savoring the sweet taste of the chocolate, it also managed to calm your nerves.

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