¤| Chapter Two |¤

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Ever known that feeling when you get the idea first then is like "OH YASSS!"

Then when you continue it... you're like:

*holds head while leaning on the table* What did I just wrote?


What am I going to write next?


I am almost near the cliff to that stage...

Someone pull me back.

Anyways, on to le chappie~!

WB (Writer's Block): Tee hee...



.: 3rd person :.

Six, Seven, and Mono soon made it to the school gates, Six looked over her shoulder to take a small glance at Seven. Six looked back front before he noticed that she was staring at him.

Six smiled as she looked down, We are a tight knit group of friends. Seven wasn't an orphan like me and Mono, but we became the best of friends.

"SIIIIIIIX~!" Someone called, Six looked up and started looking around to who ever was that calling her.

How come that voice is familiar-ack!

"What the- ack!" Six exclaimed as she was brought down, she looked up to see a girl about her age with white porcelain skin and long black hair. She wore a mint green hoodie and a star clip on her hair.

Right now this girl is hugging Six like no tomorrow.

"Twenty-Three what the hell?!" Six exclaimed as Twenty-Three continued to hug Six.

"Twenty-Three, let me go, the floor is dirty you know!" Six exclaimed, yet Twenty-Three held on.

"C'mon don't be that mean to me, Sixxy~" Twenty-Three pouted, Mono sighed, "Alright, lemme help," he said as he grabbed Twenty-Three by her hood and pulled her up.

Six sighed as she stood up and patted her raincoat off of dust, "Thank you," she said and glared at Twenty-Three, "Why on earth did you just did that?!"

Twenty-Three giggled, "I just missed you cuz'~"

Six facepalmed at her one and only relative, how was that possible? Well, Six wasn't took in by her Aunt for some reason yet Six's cousin, Twenty-Three was her closest friend ever.

Yet sometimes Twenty-Three is crazy.

Twenty-Three: Hoe bish I'm not.

Author: You are a product of madness, of course you'll be crazy.

Twenty-Three: aM NOT.

Author: ;P bleh

Six sighed, "Whatever, TT."

Twenty-Three pouted, "I hate being called that."

Six smiled at her, "I hate being called Sixxy too, we are even."

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