¤| Chapter Eighteen |¤

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Now I'm gonna go and do rituals to the fangirl spirits so I wouldn't lAcK to my ship.

Mumu: Really now?



Six and Seven walked out to the hall, seeing at the end of the hall there was an elevator.

Six huffed while still carrying the key, "We climbed, when there was an elevator."

Seven smirked, "So do you really know anything about this world?"

Six pouted while glaring, "Yes, I do. Shut up," she mumbled while Seven shrugged, "Okies," he said while getting a plank and hit the elevator's button.

The elevator rose and the door opened, they went in and Six still huffed while carrying the key.

This sure is heavy....

"You need help there?" Seven asked and Six shook her head, "I'm fine! The key is just a bit heavy... That's all."

Seven leaned closer to Six and grabbed the key, "Hey if you're feeling tired you can just let me carry it. We're a team right?" He said while smiling.

Six nodded while letting Seven carry the key, "Yeah, we are," she said.

Why does Seven have to be so nice? Does he think of me as a friend or... something more? Six thought while sighing, Should I tell him what I feel? How would he react? Will our friendship be over if I told him?

The elevator door opened and Six snapped back to reality, Put your head in the game, Six, she chided herself as she walked out, Seven following behind her. They peeked out the kitchen to see that Chef 1 isn't there anymore.

"Oh dear," Seven said, "That's bad."

"Yeah, let's get in this door and see what it has," Six said and Seven went to insert the key in the lock, he pushed it then he turned to Six, "A little help here? It's kinda hard."

Six nodded, "Okay," she said and held the key, they pushed it and the key unlocked. Six pushed the door and inside was a chute by the wall.

Six and Seven hopped on the chair and Seven opened the chute, he moved aside and motions Six to the chute.

Seven smiled, "Ladies first," he said and Six rolled her eyes, "Such a gentleman you are."

Seven tipped his head as if he had a hat, "I try my bet miss," he said in the horrible British accent again.

Six giggled, "Yes, you sure do, kind sir," Six said in a horrible British accent before entering the chute. Seven chuckled while also entering the chute.

They walked out to see two doors, the floor was streaked with blood and Six grimaced.

"Please don't tell me we go in there," Seven said and Six sighed, "We have to."

"Oh well," Seven sighed while taking a deep breath "Ready," he said.

Six took a deep breath too as she nodded and they pushed the doors open, the scent of gore stinged thier nose and Six instantly gagged.

They walked inside the room, unlike the tiled Kitchen, it was a wooden room filled with blood on any corner. There was a wooden table with blood seeping on the top.

Seven frowned, "I'm so hoping to leave this place," he said while he felt a lump on his throat and gulped it down.

"I'm also getting sick here, let's go," Six said and they walked on. They heard a something being hacked and they peeked out to see Chef 1, who already had is foot and hand bandaged.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now