¤| Chapter Thirty Two |¤

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I got nothing to say so.

Enjoy. :D


.: Six's P.o.V. :.

Out of possible times for the Janitor to show up... Now?! Six thought bitterly as the Janitor started walking back, sniffing and patting as he tried to find that strange kid smell.

"Come out where ever you are," the Janitor rasped, lurking around and patted under cupboards and tables. Good thing was they were hiding in the hole in the wall, so the Janitor can just pass by them. Bad thing was that the Janitor could still smell them and take them away.

The three froze behind the hole they were hiding at, Six being the closest to peek out whatever was happening. The Janitor continued to smell around, patting on floorboards and slipping his hands under the tables. They didn't dare to move even one inch, for one small sound could break all hell loose.

The Janitor continued to search for them, walking farther and farther away. Six peeked her head out to see if the coast was clear, seeing his figure in the shadows of the hallway.

Suddenly, the Janitor snapped his head to their direction.

.: Seven's P.o.V. :.

Seven continued swimming, ignoring the cold freezing water that made him shiver and the darkness of the Depths, which Seven needed to squint in order to see well. He remembered where the room was, and it was just a few swims away before he will see the Granny.

Oh, but heading out will be the tricky one.

Seven saw a platform and climbed it up, the water ran down and dripped as he walked off to the other side, there was a suitcase, barrels, and a plank. He hopped right in once more, ready and cautious for anything.

Somewhere nearby, there was bubbles. Slowly inching their way to him, Seven gulped down that lump in his throat and quickened his swimming pace, making onto the suitcase just in time. The bubbles quickly subsided, but Seven knew she was still in there waiting for him to swim so she can drown him.

Really, this mission to get the frikin key in the other room is so tricky. But Seven hadn't experienced his nightmare yet to the fullest, so why not now.

He quickly jumped into the barrels before the bubbles came back and push him off the suitcase since Seven was in a deep pondering state. He walked on and hopped onto the plank, where the other platform, a bit higher than the last, came into veiw.

Seven made a run for it and hopped into the cold water, swimming fast like his life depended on it - which it somehow did. The Granny's bubbles came back and were she was making her way to him like some Jaws or The Meg or another shark movie shark.

The bubbles came closer and closer, yet Seven gripped on the metal ladder on the side and quickly started to climb. He saw a hand shot out, if Seven was a tad bit slower, he would be a dead child right now.

On the other side of the platform was just a room filled with water and floating objects. Seven saw the tips of the bookshevles and cupboards, quickly he looked around for that button that will drain the water.

Once he did, he pushed it and he slowly saw the water drain out. The objects carefully landed on the floor and Seven saw the jar chained onto the table. In his nightmare, it was to open the lock. Now whatever key it was inside is much needed than another lock for the door.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now