¤| Chapter Twenty One |¤

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Hello guys!

Now that ideas are flowing through me like a broken dam.

Writer's Block seems impossible.

But procrastinating is, and also horrible wi-fi problems. I'm not making an idiot excuse for an idiot excuses come from fools and I'm not a fool!

(My sister in the background: yOU ARE AN IDIOT)

But now, I'll present to ya today's chapter!


.: Mono's P.o.V. :.

Author: Second Mono's P.o.V. in like... EVER.

Mono explained to Six and Seven what he and Twenty-Three heard from Rodger, the Hunter and the Nanny.

"You missed out that detail just a while ago," Seven pointed out and Mono sighed, "Yeah, I know. But like I said, this shadow-y black guy is what controls the Lady and the Broadcaster."

"Which the Hunter said," Twenty-Three said.

"Yeah, and this shadow guy must've heard from someone the same prophecy Twenty-Three just cited," Mono explained.

"So, stopping him can make us go back to the real world?" Six summerized and Mono nodded, "Excatly. But the only person here with good rest is Twenty-Three and I'm planning to have some of that before I become low bat while we are outside," Mono said while yawning.

Twenty-Three smiled, "Yeah, I think you all should take a rest. Now that I'm awake I can take first watch."

Six turned to Twenty-Three, "Are you sure?"

Twenty-Three nodded, "I am very sure. Now get some rest," she said as she bit a big chunk on her apple. Mono smiled even if she'll never see it, "Sure, 'night to you," he said while putting himself in a better comfortable position and taking a rest.


Mono woke up hearing the fire cackling, he opened his eyes and fixed his paperbag to see well. Twenty-Three was poking the fire with a metal stick (where did she got that?) while Six and Seven slept side by side.

"Mornin'," Twenty-Three said as she looked at him, "Rested easy?"

"Yeah, but a dreamless sleep," Mono sighed and Twenty-Three hummed while looking over Six and Seven, Six's head was on Seven's shoulder while Seven rested his head ontop Six's head.

Twenty-Three made a little scoff/laugh, "They really have to stand out they're a couple huh?"

Mono smirked, "Well, they are cute together."

"Don't tell me you gave Seven a protective brother warning," Twenty-Three asked while pointing the metal stick to him and Mono raised his hands up, "Can't be helped."

Twenty-Three laughed, silently of course, "Suuuure," she said sarcastically.

"How long was I out?" Mono asked and Twenty-Three shrugged, "For five hours or so," she said, "Wanna eat again?" She asked while pushing a bag of food.

Mono rose an eyebrow, "You went around?" He asked and Twenty-Three sighed as she went back poking the fire, "I was just looking around, nothing much but a single doll and leeches."

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