¤| Chapter Twenty Four |¤

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Last chapter was a Twenty-Three P.o.V. for chapter Twenty Three....

Pun intended?

I think not!

Now, we'll take a step on my OC's nightmare world!



.: Six's P.o.V. :.

"Twenty-Three!" Six wailed while the top hat masked man picked Twenty-Three's limp body up. Seven held Six back before she could run and do the stupidest thing ever.

The top hat man looked down on the three, "Don't fear, little ones," he said, that low voice rumbling through the halls, "I only came for my Songbird."

"Give her back!" Six shouted but the top hat man turned, walking away and ignoring them. He kept walking until he was long gone.

I can't loose another friend! Six thought while tears streamed down her face, she stumbled and Seven once again side-hugged her.

Mono knelt down Six, "Don't worry Six. The Joker won't kill Twenty-Three," he said.

Seven looked at Mono indecorously, "The Joker? That's what he's called?"

Mono rolled his eyes, "Yes he is."

"We have to get her back," Six whimpered, "We can't go on without Twenty-Three... That Joker is gonna regret messing with us."

Seven pursed his lips and nodded, "Yeah," then he turned to Mono, "You know where he's at?"

Mono nodded, "Yeah, but I'm thinking it's very far away..."

Six wiped her tears as she stood up, her hands clutching into fists, "I don't care, let's go and save Twenty-Three."

Mono nodded, "Okay then. Let's just follow the Joker, maybe he's still around."

Seven raised an eyebrow, "Is that a good thing to do?"

"Better than nothing," Mono said and Six nodded.

Seven sighed, "Okay, let's go save Twenty-Three. It's becoming boring every minute without her," he joked and they chuckled dryly.

And off they went to where the Joker lumbered off to.


They found the Joker walking in a room, gladly, it wasn't the room Mono entered before. That room was so flippin far away. Six looked up the double doors and saw it had a sign.

Theatre Room.

Seven pushed the door open and they sneaked in. Six gasped.

The room looked like the inside of a circus tent. The circle patch with sand for the preformers to stand, the metal benches circling around that patch, and the walls and ceiling were with red and white stripes.

Different monsters lumbered around fixing the stage, once they saw the Joker, they bowed.

"Nanny!" The Joker called and a deformed old woman with drooping skin and a humback that was covered under a black cloak entered from one of the entrances, "Yes sir?"

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