¤| Chapter Twenty Seven |¤

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Do you guys even like that this book isn't finished yet or are you feeling annoyed at me?


Let's just show this chapter.


Six stood, infront of her was the child she was scared of. Most of the times, when she got a hunger strike in the nightmare she had, she would see a Shadow child who looked like her, and thus Six named her Shadow Six.

Shadow Six.... She was scary, she showed when she wants to, and if she did, nothing good would come. She was her ally, but in the same time her foe. Shadow Six's loyalties are a mystery, just like Doll Twenty-Three.

Wait a minute.... Was it a coinsidence that Six and Twenty-Three have a evil alter? To put they are cousins....

No, Six hoped, gulping down the lump on her throat while her stomach continued to stab in pain. She winced and held her stomach, Shadow Six titled her head.

Hungry? She asked.


Author: I was tempted to write that, sorry.

Author: *ahem* going back.

Six scowled, "No, my stomach is just wanting food," she spat.

Shadow Six giggled, Oh my goodness Six! You are so feisty even if you're near to the brink of death. I did choose the right child to live in.

It felt like Six was slapped, her mouth hung agape, "What?"

I'm your Hunger, Six. That's why you see me now! You're too hungry that it's killing you. Hunger is, of course, more than of Pain. Hunger makes you crave for something, yet Pain you can't, Shadow Six said and Six's eyebrows knitted, "Why are you sounding like that shadow windy guy?"

Shadow Six smiled while walking closer to Six, Cause that's what it's all this is, dummy! I'm gonna do you soooo many favors, but you only owe me one thing.

"And now you're sounding like Doll Twenty-Three," Six mumbled, Shadow Six now grinned, Well, she's somewhat like me too. We're going to get something in return for our undying helpfulness and it is worth it.

"What is it anyways?" Six asked, the churning sensations of her stomach getting stronger and stronger. Shadow Six giggled again, You'll know, soon, she said before disappearing, leaving a trail of black dust behind her.

Six scowled and continued to stagger around, her stomach grumbled louder and she gasped in pain again. It was like her hunger was cutting the walls of her stomach, it hurts so much.

Six placed a hand on the lockers to steady herself and went on staggering to the corner where the three others are. Six gasped, her stomach squelched. She stumbled to the floor, curling up to a ball hoping that would ease the pain.

The pain, the hunger, and the trobbing in her head was all Six felt before she fainted.

.: Seven's P.o.V. :.

"Six sure is taking a long time looking for things to make a fire," Twenty-Three said while they waited for Six to return. It has been aproximately thirty minutes and to an hour. Seven felt ever second was itching him and he got worried and worried.

In the pit of Seven's gut, he didn't like the feeling swirling his stomach. Something was off, very off. His brain went to a brainstorm session to what would take Six very long.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now