¤| One-Shot |¤

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I should really do Chapter Six but nooo...

I don't know...

I'm laughing at this idea...

Disney AU! Theif!Seven X Princess!Six

I cAn ShOw YoU tHe WoRlD~....


AnD aT lAsT i SeE tHe LiGht~!

Mumu: *faceplams*


Seven dashed along the harsh wet streets of the market, he looked behind to see the gaurds still hot on his tail. Seven huffed and ran faster. Seven pushed away civillians having their normal days in the market, only to find out there's another thief on the loose and they have to pull their belongings close.

A cart nearby crashed (since the driver was taken shock on the scence that's happening) and Seven did a graceful jump. The gaurds sneered, one of the gaurds looked at one street, "This way!" He said and the gaurds ran to the small street which could reach to Seven.

Seven sighed, Do they think I'm still going to be on the streets? He thought as jumped on the stairs and climbed on the ropes with ease. He huffed in triumph when he reached on the roofs. Seven ran until he didn't saw any gaurds at sight, then he slided down from a rope.

Seven looked around, a nearby Nome walked by and pulled unto his pants.

"Yes, Reg?" Seven asked as he picked up the Nome and placed it (or him) on his palm. Reginold jumped and pointed on a neaby civillian with her neck and wrists adorned with jewelries.

Seven sighed, "No, remember just a while ago Regi? I almost got caught!"

Reginold rolled his eyes, if you'd see it and if he had any, then climbed onto Seven's shoulder.

"Oh, are you saying I almost got caught because I wasn't with an expert?" Seven rised and eyebrow as he huffed dramatically.

Reginold nodded, and patted gently on Seven's cheek.

"Alright, alright," Seven chuckled and patted on Reginold's Nome hat, then the two walked on to the targeted civillian.

While up in the tower in the castle, a specific person was either deciding to go into the town or not.


Princess Six paced around the room while her own company in the tower, a Nome named Kyle, watched her pace around the room.

"Mother told me never to go to town for my sake. Can't we just... I don't know... Play a board game?" Six smiled while pulling out a board game, "Chess?"

Kyle shook his head. "Snakes and Ladders?" Six pulled out a different board game.

The Nome still shook his head. Six sighed and pulled out another boared game, "Checkers?"

The Nome still shook his head. Six grunted, "Then what do you want, Kyle?" she asked while she dropped the board games.

Kyle stood up giddly and pointed outside the tower window and to the town below. Six sighed while walking up to Kyle and sitting beside him on the window nook, "No, I'm not going outside. Mother told me so... It's a dangerous place where I could die. So that's why she placed me on this tower."

Kyle's eyebrows raised like saying, "Really? Girl you are lock up on your own castle since your mother's a jelous ugly witch-queen who wants to be the prettiest here."

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