¤| Chapter Thirty Four |¤

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Sorry for leaving you guys like that

(Lol not)


And also, I'm kinda low on energy so if it's... crap. Well, you know why.


.: Six's P.o.V. :.

Six and the others froze up when the North Wind had said that out. Quickly they scampered back into the shadows of the cabinet before the big bosses noticed them. The Lady quickly walked up to the North Wind, her dress gliding through the floor, "You are not pulling any strings are you?" She asked in a suspicious tone.

"Do my winds lie, Lady?" The North Wind snapped at the Lady, "Apparently they do, sometimes," she snapped back.

The North Wind took a deep breath and was ready to start a full on out spat when the Broadcaster groaned, "If they are here, they should better show up and we can end this," he interjected, not really ready for another spat from the two - like it happens always.

The North Wind nodded at the Broadcaster, "Right," he said as he turned to the wind shadow that whispered in his ear and he nodded to it, the shadow hissed before entering the Lady's room.

Ohhhh crap ohhhh crap, Six silently cursed as the wind zipped in to the middle of the room, the three of the boss monsters - whatever you would call them - following behind.

The wind swirled around first, hissing and zipping from one place to another. Suddenly it stopped and floated nearby the cabinet the four were hiding under, then it hissed before shooting under the cabinet and grabbing Six's ankle, making her squeak out of surprise.

She was quickly dragged out like in some horror scene and Six tried to hold on anything to stop the wind. Yet it held on tighter and pulled her out with more force.

Then the wind tossed her up in the air and she landed with a thud, Seven gasped from under the cabinet, wanting to go out and help her. Yet before he ran out more of the wind zipped past and pulled the other three out, tossing them and they landed with a painful thud.

Six coughed and pushed herself up from the floor, she looked up to see the three looking down at them with amusement. They were probably thinking, 'These tiny little children? Defeat us? Oh this must be a prank.'

Standing in front of them only made Six small, but she remembered, she killed off the Lady. They had their nightmares as their guide.

Now the only question now, is Six gonna do the same thing she did in the nightmare?

The North Wind chuckled, making Six snap out her thoughts and turn her attention to him. Six took a step back when she noticed he wasn't anymore human. He lost his form and became the wind. The only thing visible now was his slant eyes glared down at them with an empty hollow grin.

"Let's see what happens now," he hissed, stretching out and filling in the Lady's room, the four were to stunned at first to move. And when they snapped out of it, it was too late.

Everything got dark.


Six felt numb and the floor felt cold like metal. She guessed the the North Wind knocked them out and... no, she felt the prickly coldness of the floor sting her hands and legs that reminded her she was alive. Or was she dead, and now in some empty void with cold floors?

She opened her eyes and gasped, she wasn't dead.

And there was three bosses who will beat the crap out of them.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now