¤| Chapter Thirteen |¤

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Hello guys~! Cindy is back and better than before!

I can't believe how far I am in this fanfic.


Let's show this chappie, shall weeeeeeehhh?


Creak. Creak. Creak.

Mono readied his ladle while facing the monsters that found them. Twenty-Three, on the other hand, stood scared as her fear came to her.

Out of all the things I could meet, dolls?! She thought bitterly while her shaking hand grabbed the umbrella from the inside of her cloak.

The dolls limped their way to them while creaking so badly that someone would need to get the oil can to oil their joints. Their faces hung low or hung high, but all the same had a stoic expression.

But the eyes, you could feel them staring, staring to your core.

Twenty-Three shivered again, but before she could go into a fear coma, Mono gripped on her shoulder while glancing to her. She may not see his face, but she was sure he was assuring her it was alright.

Twenty-Three took a deep breath, These are just dolls, nothing else, moving dolls, she assured herself.

"Kill," one of the dolls muttered.

And they have a voice! Twenty-Three's inner monolouge squeaked, And they want to kill us!

Well yeah, no shizzle, this is a flippin nightmare Twenty-Three, she chided herself, while raising her umbrella and taking a deep breath.

The dolls whirred, and lunged.

The two took a step back and Mono slammed the doll dead with his ladle. Another came right behind Mono, so Twenty-Three went on to whack that dead with her umbrella.

Black dust left the dolls as they disentegrated.

Twenty-Three's eyebrows knitted, "Huh, wonder what that could be," she muttered.

"Twenty-Three!" Mono warned and Twenty-Three turned to see a doll coming right to her. Twenty-Three raised her umbrella and smashed that doll's head.


Mumu: You've been watching MHA again...

This continued, they smashed and whacked the dolls until they desintregrated to black dust. Mono and Twenty-Three stood back to back while fighting off the dolls.

"Funny," Twenty-Three mumbled, "It's like we've been doing this like all our life."

Mono smiled, "Yeah, that's what I was also thinking."

The dolls lunged and the two raised their weapons as they smashed them flat. The dolls wailed before disentregrating to dust once again.

"I guess that's the last of them," Mono said and he turned to Twenty-Three, "You okay?"

Twenty-Three nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."


Twenty-Three eyes widened as she turned, a single doll limping to her. It's glowering eyes staring into Twenty-Three's soul.

The doll lunged and aimed for Twenty-Three. Twenty-Three yelped as they stumbled down, the doll raised it's hand and scratched Twenty-Three's arm deep it bled bad.

"Twenty-Three!" Mono exlcaimed while running up to them.

Twenty-Three yelped while trying to push the doll away. Mono raised his ladle behind the doll and smashed it away from Twenty-Three.

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