¤| Chapter Twenty |¤

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I didn't check the views of this book (which I really don't do)

WAW, 500+ VIEWS. If I manage to get 1k while I disappeared, I'm gonna flop like a fish-

Some random person: SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!

Mumu: Tha heck?

Oh welp!

Let's show the chapter!

Myoni: she sure is happy she's finally going to the right direction.


Six explained everything that happened, from when she fainted and woke up from the Janitor's place, how she met Seven and such. Seven also shared some details about what happened.

"And then the Janitor left us," Six said as Twenty-Three and Mono looked at each other, "We heard that from him. He was going to the Lady."

Six's mouth dropped as she stopped, "What? He was going to the Lady? That... That's so... different."

Twenty-Three shrugged, "We went to tons of different places. This," she said while waving her hand around the hall, "Is differen-"

Twenty-Three yawned, and she covered her mouth, "Sorry, didn't have a rest since... Well, ever."

Mono turned to her, "That's actually a nice idea," he then looked at Seven and Six, "You guys would be fine with that, right?"

Six nodded, "Yeah, a rest would be nice. We should also get some food," Six said as a slight grumble came to her stomach.

Seven smiled at her, "Yeah, that's sound like a plan. Mono and I would get food and you two find a spot," he said while kissing Six's cheek.

Twenty-Three choked when Seven gave that sudden affection, "Ummm. Excuse me did we miss an important detail in your little 'once upon a nightmare'?"

Six blushed, "Uh... Yeah.... About that....,, Seven and I..... We're kinda a thing.... You know.... Boyfriend girlfriend."

The other two stared at them, both had their jaws dropped. Slowly, Twenty-Three grinned as she covered her mouth to squeal loudly, "YES!"

Six raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean, 'Yes'?"

Twenty-Three jumped and kept squealing, "Oh my god! OH MY GOD!"

Mono rolled his eyes as he let out a low grumble before pinching Twenty-Three's cheek, "Chill the flip out."

Seven leaned back, "Don't tell me you've been shipping us since-."

Twenty-Three shook her head, "Nah nah. It's either you're blind, or you're an idiot when you don't notice that MOST PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD LIKES THE TWO OF YOU TO BE TOGETHER!" She squealed the last part.

Author: I was tempted to make that a fourth wall break joke.

Mumu: Isn't it already one?

"So you do ship us," Seven summed up while nodding, "Funny I ship you and Mono."

"What?" Twenty-Three asked while tilting her head.

"Nothin, nothin," Seven said.

Mono cleared his throat, "Anyways, let's go find a place to rest and some food," he said and Six nodded along with him, "Yep, that would be suffice," she said.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now