¤| Chapter Thirty One |¤

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*fangirls in many languages*






The four continued on the hall, unlike the other hallways they have been in, this was a tad bit brighter, and had lesser crates and lockers.

Everywhere was decorated counters, with different objects on the top. Six spotted a bonsai with a crying bird on the branch, with it's mouth open to sing, forcefully if Six could add. Another had a broken mirror, another was a Nome statue holding a sausedge, another an old broken TV.

There was paintings too, of the teachers and something else, all ripped up and covered in black paint. There was a picture of the Circus in a small frame, a lady with a red dress and her back from the painting, the Sadistic Teacher's portrait, and one with a jar, inside was a key, surrounded by water.

It was scary, like they were not anymore in a hallway of a school, but somewhere like the Lady's Quarters.

Lots of creepy stuff, fun, Six thought sarcastically as they walked on.

"Hey look!" Twenty-Three called, Six turned to see her pointing at one of the signs of a big double doors, "The Principal's Office," she said.

Seven sighed exaperately, "Like finally," he mumbled and Twenty-Three rolled her eyes while Six silently giggled.

Mono walked up to open the door, he hopped and held the handle, then pushed it down but it wouldn't budge, "Oh wow, great," he muttered sarcastically as he tried to push it down again but nothing happened. So he hopped down defeated.

"What is it?" Six asked and Mono turned to them, "Locked. We better find the key."

"Everything needs to be in the hard way huh?" Twenty-Three mumbled while looking around the hall, then her eyes landed on a painting, "Oh my crikey," she mumbled agast.

Six turned to face her, "What is it Twenty-Three?"

Twenty-Three pointed a painting and they all turned to where she was pointing at. Twenty-Three was pointing at the painting with a jar with a key surrounded by water.

Seven gulped, "That's not a hint, right?" He asked hopefully, Twenty-Three turned to him, "Maybe it is... It's implying about a key, and we need a key to open this blasted doors," she said.

"But where would it be then, if that painting is a clue? Since there can be countless of jars. How do we know it's the right one?" Mono asked as he turned to Twenty-Three, Six took a closer look at the jar and saw it had designs.

"Um, the jar is very detailed, look at it," Six pointed out and Mono also took a closer look, "Okay, that solves my question. Now where could that be?"

"I think I know... I saw it once..." Seven said, looking at the painting with such serious face.

"Where?" Six asked, Seven turned to her, "The Depths."

Twenty-Three held out her hand in a time out position, "Okay, before we continue solving this - where is the Depths?"

"It's a part in the Maw, that was the first place I went to," Seven gulped remembering his first part of the nightmare, "It's filled with water, and there is this old lady called the Granny that would drown you once it saw you."

"Okay, an indoor pool where an old lady that likes drowning kids resides," Twenty-Three summed it up and Seven chuckled dryly, "In a nutshell."

"Do you think that the Depths is the school's pool?" Mono wondered, looking at the painting and to them again.

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