¤| Chapter Thirty Five |¤

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Do I love cliffhangers?

Yes, yes I do.

*sobs* This is the end.... *sob sob*


.: Twenty-Three's P.o.V. :.

The North Wind once again formed into his wind form and reached out to pick Six up. Twenty-Three wasn't letting him pick on a girl who just literally turned into a monster and got weak after that. Twenty-Three ran up to the wind and pulled out her umbrella, she felt stronger than before, that static TV also affected her like it did to Six - whatever it did. Twenty-Three felt a buzz in her hands and sliced the wind.

At first Twenty-Three chided herself for such idiotic impromptu plan. Seriously, it was the wind. Yet the North Wind hissed and shot back, quickly turning back to his human form to see his lower abdomen was deeply cut from the pointy edge of Twenty-Three's umbrella that blood poured out.

The buzz left her hands and in the back of Twenty-Three's mind, she wondered what happened. She shugged the thought away when the North Wind glared down at her, "You... Brat," he spat, slamming his hand on the desk.

There was a slight rumble before the winds whisped and whirled, doll students and shadow children pushing out giggling and creaking, ready to fight.

Twenty-Three turned to Seven and Mono, "Protect Six, okay?" She ordered about to run off to the North Wind when Mono held her wrist, "Wait, what about you?" He asked.

Twenty-Three did a brave smile, "I fight Mister Wind here," she said before the doll students creaked and the shadow children hissed, "C'mon less drama we're fighting here," Seven said as he stood up and pulled out his flashlight. Mono let go of his grasp on Twenty-Three's wrist, "Be careful," he said as he turned to the doll students with his ladle ready.

Twenty-Three nodded and turned, the doll students and shadow children were surrounding them and she readied her umbrella. The buzz came back in her hands and tingled up to her arms, Twenty-Three swept the doll students away and they flew back to the walls, smashing to crumpled bits.

A shadow child giggled and disappeared into the shadows, suddenly it lunged at Twenty-Three and she fell down. It was trying to choke her with their shadow powers yet Twenty-Three dodged, the buzz became stronger and Twenty-Three managed to kick chest. The shadow child fell back dazed, Twenty-Three quickly stood up and whacked the masked head with her umbrella, killing it even without the need of light.

"Impossible," The North Wind mumbled in a more human and exsistent voice, "No-- The stupid frequency of the TV turned them to the nightmare kids they dreamt of. Damn that Broadcaster," he hissed while trying to inch away.

Twenty-Three turned back to the North Wind and stood a few meters away from him, her grip on the umbrella tightening.

"HEY! Didn't you feel cocky just a while ago? Why are you now scampering away like a COWARD?" Twenty-Three taunted and the North Wind hissed at her, "Shut up you no good little brat!" He said once again in the non-exsistent voice and slowly formed into the wind, lunging for Twenty-Three.

Yet like in any game, taunting the enemy makes them less aware and focused. Twenty-Three quickly hopped to the side as the North Wind shot straight. The North Wind shook in a daze and turned back to her, grinning evilly and zipping to catch her again.

Twenty-Three ran, the North Wind managed to pull her legs and drag her to him. She squeaked and felt herself fly to the end of the room, falling face first. She quickly stood up and saw the North Wind infront of her and swiped at her. She dodged, but did her vision seemed... clearer?

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