¤| Chapter Seven |¤

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Yay! Time for the real plot!


And Six woke up, in an open suitcase...

Six looked around her surroundings, she was wearing her raincoat, tank top, and shorts alright. But she lost her boots. Six panicked when she realized how familiar this place was. She stood up and paced around the room.

It can't be... It can't be... It can't be...

Six thought again and again while pacing, she looked around the small room, It can't be! She whimpered and sat down the suitcase.

Tears started going down her cheeks, I'm in the start of my nightmare, she thought. Six hugged herself and cried, she was living the nightmare she always dreamed about, now she was here and she was going to be hurt by the monsters.

Six stood up and wiped her tears away, Stop being like this Six! She chided herself as she looked over the vent. She took a deep breath, I know what happens, I won't get hurt. So... Let's see how this will unfold, she thought and nodded.

Walking into the vent, Six heard scattering noises and she jumped. It was dark so she couldn't see what made the noise. I know I have a lighter somewhere, she thought and patted her pockets to feel a square object in one of it. Six pulled it out to see a metal box, she smiled and opened it as she lit the lighter.

The light made way in the darkness and showed what the vent had, which was crates, peeking out from the crates were Nomes. Six smiled and walked on, she saw a lamp and lit it up. Six saw a trapdoor and opened it, looking back to see the Nomes scampering near the lamp. She walked in the vent and carried on.


Six passed by the bathroom, gagging from the scent as she dragged the box of toilet papers to the swith. Like as the dream always showed her before, she jumped and grabbed the switch, flipping the electricity off. Six let go and ran, passing thought the electric bars twice until she reached the dungeon like room.

Six tip-toed to the edge of the room to see the eye light that turned kids to stone. With the right timing, Six ran into the shadows, until she reached the small cages.

Wasn't that hard was it? Six huffed happily as she climbed the cages, reaching the top and looked into the other room that had a wooden door, unlike the other metal doors.

I know something bad is in there, Six thought as she walked in the Nursery, looking to see dozen of sleeping children. Six wondered what happened to the kids at school, to Seven, Twenty-Three and Mono. Are they all in the nightmare-like world?

The door behind her slammed shut, making Six jolt back to reality. Running to hide under one of the beds of the children, the door in front opened, showing the Janitor, who really looked like Mr. Rodger at school.

Except the fact he was like ginormous with extremely long arms, the only thing that gave way the Janitor was Mr. Rodger was the very short legs, the signature hat, and that he was blind.

The Janitor patted the beds, sniffing them too to double check that the children were there and sleeping. Six looked up from under the bed she was hiding at, holding her breath as she dared not to move even one inch, anything that would cause unecessary noises.

Once the Janitor finished patting all the beds, tucking in the kids one more time, he went out the other door. Six counted until she heard the door silently slam shut behind her, making her release her breath.

Six crawled away from the bed she was hiding under and saw another room since there was light. She stood up and walked to the room, looking over the big beds until one of them made a noise.

Six stopped, and turned to see a familiar face.

"Six? What are you doing here?"


Where do you bet your cookies? DUH IT'S SEVEN.

That's all I spill, this genius at work will show the plot line slowly but surely to you beloved readers.

And also, just to anyone who cares, before the rest, I was losing my appetite for food, this normally happened when I was outside but it also happens too when I'm at home! My stomach never rumbles and doesn't complain but I get nauseaus!

But when I wrote this chapter, it was weeks after the other chapter, but I publish them all in the same day so it'll be like a double, triple, what-the-ever-iple update.

I'm getting better folks! I somehow got my appetite again! But it does slip away if I think on the stress that's in the back of my head... And also after eating, I feel like the food's at the tip of my throat, so close to be released. When I'm outside... Still the same, but I'm trying to think of a way to be the 'Cindy before bein a queasy kid' again.

I made an eating sched for me so I can eat even if I'm not hungry/my stomach isn't complaining.

That means I can torment myself more with additional stress! Yaaaaaaayyyyy.... *weeps*

My mind is also been thinking of stupid stuff too like of giving up and resting forever. But I AIN'T GIVIN UP, I'M A FIGHTER!

Anyways, that break did me good and still does me good, since I manage to focus on my lessons (yay, quarter 2 in Math!) and projects (almost finished with my timeline!). This made me release such heavy boulders my shoulder carried.

Though I'm still taking a break, just so you know. But I wanted to publish these chapters for you all so you wouldn't get angry at me.

Yay for me! yay that I'll be able to update and eat!

And yay that you skipped my rant since all you care about is my story and it's okay since I'm being a self-centred over-emotional brat I am!

*weeps as she curls in the corner*

Bye bye...

Wattpad: Publish Finished.

|| It Was All A Dream... || Seven X Six (Sevix) Fanfic ||Where stories live. Discover now